Welcome to ArchDB

ArchDB is a structural classification of loops extracted from known protein structures.
The structural classification is based on the geometry and conformation of the loop. The geometry is defined by four internal variables and the type of regular flanking secondary structures, resulting in 10 different loop types (see table).
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Database current contents (last updated on Mar/2014)
TypeDescription#loops#loops Classified
BKbeta-beta link37974(12.38%)17062(8.95%)
BNbeta-beta hairpin42639(13.90%)35123(18.43%)
EGbeta-strand - helix-3:1021608(7.04%)13027(6.84%)
EHbeta-strand - alpha-helix50266(16.39%)30162(15.83%)
GEhelix-3:10 - beta-strand19580(6.38%)12206(6.40%)
GGhelix-3:10 - helix-3:104115(1.34%)1591(0.83%)
GHhelix-3:10 - alpha-helix19564(6.38%)12813(6.72%)
HEalpha-helix - beta-strand49997(16.30%)31871(16.72%)
HGalpha-helix - helix-3:1017588(5.73%)11296(5.93%)
HHalpha-helix - alpha-helix43395(14.15%)25422(13.34%)