
For users that want to work locally with ArchDB's classification, we offer the option to download a tabulated file with ArchDB's main data or compressed SQL content.
The downloadable data does not contain external database assignations such as the SCOP relations that can be otherwise found by browsing through this site.
Take into acount that loops with more than one classification will appear once for each classification to which they belong.
The fields of the downloadable file can be defined as follows:
  • loop_id: This is the unique code by which a loop is identified.    How can I use it?
  • pdb: Original structure file from which the loop was identified.
  • chain: Original structure chain from which the loop was identified.
  • start: First position of the loop in the protein chain.
  • end: Last position of the loop in the protein chain.
  • type: Type of the bracing secondary structures.
  • length: Number of amino acids in the aperiodic structure region.
  • NtermLength: Length of the N-terminal secondary structure.
  • CtermLength: Length of the C-terminal secondary structure.
  • distance: The euclidian distance between the boundaries of the aperiodic structure.
  • theta: The angle between M1 and M2.
  • rho: The angle between M2 and the plane Γ defined by the vector M1 and the normal to the plane formed by M1 and D.
  • delta: The angle between M1 and D.
  • sequence: Amino Acid sequence of the loop
  • secondary_structure: Secondary structure of the loop
  • exposition: Evaluation of the exposition of the loop
  • ramachandran: Consensus ramachandran of the class the loop has been classified to (if any)
    This field can be NULL in the case of non-classified loops
  • classification: Identifier of the subclass the loop has been classified to. How can I use it?
    This field can be NULL in the case of non-classified loops