Information on SUBCLASS 1.2.20
Subclass Accession number: 1018
Subclass: 1.2.20 PSSM
Type: EH beta-alpha
DB: ArchDB40

Image coordinates: Rasmol PDB Jmol PDB
Consensus coordinates: Rasmol PDB Jmol PDB
Number of loops: 2

Average sequence ID (%) : 37.5 +/- 0.0
Average RMSD (Å) : 0.600 +/- 0.000

Consensus geometry
d (Å): 7 delta (°): 45-90 theta (°): 45-90 rho (°): 90-135
Consensus Sequence: LXGXA
(φψ)-conformation: bbeaa
Pattern: [L]x[G][DP][A][FI][AK][FP]
Loops included in this Subclass
LoopPDBChainStartEndSequenceSec StructRamachandran
1ep3_A_2181ep3   A220227LSGPAIKPEESGGGHHxbeaaaaa
1qfj_A_2241qfj   A224231LFGDAFAFEE-THHHHbbeaaaaa
PDB ligands within a cut-off distance of 6 Å in this subclass
1ep3_A_2181ep3   A     FMNFLAVIN MONONUCLEOTIDE G - 219
1ep3_A_2181ep3   A     FMNFLAVIN MONONUCLEOTIDE L - 220
1ep3_A_2181ep3   A     FMNFLAVIN MONONUCLEOTIDE S - 221
1ep3_A_2181ep3   A     FMNFLAVIN MONONUCLEOTIDE G - 222
1ep3_A_2181ep3   A     FMNFLAVIN MONONUCLEOTIDE P - 223
1ep3_A_2181ep3   A     FMNFLAVIN MONONUCLEOTIDE I - 225
1qfj_A_2241qfj   A     GOLGLYCEROL D - 227
1qfj_A_2241qfj   A     GOLGLYCEROL A - 228
1qfj_A_2241qfj   A     GOLGLYCEROL F - 231

Clusters included in this Subclass