Information on SUBCLASS 4.3.2
Subclass Accession number: 278
Subclass: 4.3.2 PSSM
Type: HE alpha-beta
DB: ArchDB40

Image coordinates: Rasmol PDB Jmol PDB
Consensus coordinates: Rasmol PDB Jmol PDB

Conserved Annotation
EC : - (>75 %)  
GO : GO:0046914 (>75 %)  
Number of loops: 4

Average sequence ID (%) : 9.1 +/- 12.9
Average RMSD (Å) : 0.875 +/- 0.150

Consensus geometry
d (Å): 11 delta (°): 90-135 theta (°): 135-180 rho (°): 135-180
Consensus Sequence: XhXhXXXX
(φψ)-conformation: aalpppbb
Pattern: xxx[CEK][AGV][EGR]xx[APS]xx
Loops included in this Subclass
LoopPDBChainStartEndSequenceSec StructRamachandran
1a9x_A_9751a9x   A980990VLGEAGINPRLHHHTTT---EEaaaaagxbxxx
1cb6_A_10131cb6   A10251035NMRKVRGPPVSHHHHTT---EEaaaaalbpxbb
1qw2_A_641qw2   A6474TSNKVGDIAVRHHHHTT--BEEaaaaavxxbbb
1vsr_A_1271vsr   A136146EWICGEGASAQHHHHTT--SEEaaaaalxxpbb
PDB ligands within a cut-off distance of 6 Å in this subclass
1qw2_A_641qw2   A     MSESELENOMETHIONINE T - 64
1qw2_A_641qw2   A     MSESELENOMETHIONINE S - 65
1qw2_A_641qw2   A     MSESELENOMETHIONINE N - 66
1qw2_A_641qw2   A     MSESELENOMETHIONINE K - 67
1qw2_A_641qw2   A     MSESELENOMETHIONINE A - 72
1qw2_A_641qw2   A     MSESELENOMETHIONINE V - 73
1qw2_A_641qw2   A     MSESELENOMETHIONINE R - 74
1vsr_A_1271vsr   A     ZNZINC ION D - 148

Clusters included in this Subclass