Information on SUBCLASS 4.41.1
Subclass Accession number: 5698
Subclass: 4.41.1 PSSM
Type: HE alpha-beta
DB: ArchDB95

Image coordinates: Rasmol PDB Jmol PDB
Consensus coordinates: Rasmol PDB Jmol PDB
Number of loops: 3

Average sequence ID (%) : 11.1 +/- 17.7
Average RMSD (Å) : 1.333 +/- 0.208

Consensus geometry
d (Å): 11 delta (°): 90-135 theta (°): 90-135 rho (°): 315-360
Consensus Sequence: pXXXpXXh
(φψ)-conformation: aagpaabb
Pattern: [EL][AGK][CD]x[HLV]x[ALT]xxx[ENR][FHL][GQ][CRW][ER]xx[AG]x[DNV][LPY]
Loops included in this Subclass
LoopPDBChainStartEndSequenceSec StructRamachandran
1dp4_A_1301dp4   A133153LGDFVTALHRRLGWEHQALVLHHHHHHHHHHHHT--SEEEEEaaaaaaaaaaaavxaabbbbb
1kpt_A_631kpt   A6585EACRHLTNLVNHGCRVCGSDPHHHHHHHHHHHHT-SS-EEEEaaaaaaaaaaaagxaabebbx
1oey_J_2671oey   J267287LKDLLELTRREFQREDIALNYHHHHHHHHHHHH--SSEEEEEaaaaaaaaaaaalbaabbbbb
PDB ligands within a cut-off distance of 6 Å in this subclass
1oey_J_2671oey   J     MSESELENOMETHIONINE L - 270
1oey_J_2671oey   J     MSESELENOMETHIONINE N - 286
1oey_J_2671oey   J     MSESELENOMETHIONINE Y - 287

Clusters included in this Subclass