Information on 1iwp
PDB: 1iwp
Compound: glycerol dehydratase alpha subunit
Classification: LYASE
Entry date in PDB: 2002-10-02
Resolution [Å]: 2.10
R-Factor: 0.209
1iwp Image
Image Source: PDB

Stored Loops of 1iwp

Loops in ArchDB95 clusters

1iwp_A_199 - EH => SUBCLASS : 2.1.3
1iwp_A_169 - EH => SUBCLASS : 2.1.11
1iwp_B_119 - EH => SUBCLASS : 5.6.5
1iwp_B_68 - EH => SUBCLASS : 6.64.1
1iwp_B_119 - EH => SUBCLASS : 7.37.1
1iwp_A_471 - HH => SUBCLASS : 1.3.7
1iwp_A_111 - HH => SUBCLASS : 2.1.1
1iwp_A_99 - HH => SUBCLASS : 2.1.2
1iwp_A_74 - HH => SUBCLASS : 2.1.2
1iwp_A_111 - HH => SUBCLASS : 2.1.2
1iwp_A_74 - HH => SUBCLASS : 2.1.4
1iwp_G_67 - HH => SUBCLASS : 2.1.4
1iwp_G_101 - HH => SUBCLASS : 2.2.1
1iwp_G_101 - HH => SUBCLASS : 2.2.8
1iwp_G_51 - HH => SUBCLASS : 2.2.8
1iwp_A_62 - HH => SUBCLASS : 2.3.13
1iwp_A_454 - HH => SUBCLASS : 3.1.5
1iwp_A_454 - HH => SUBCLASS : 3.1.6
1iwp_A_85 - HH => SUBCLASS : 5.3.1
1iwp_A_85 - HH => SUBCLASS : 5.3.2
1iwp_A_313 - HE => SUBCLASS : 1.1.1
1iwp_B_51 - HE => SUBCLASS : 1.1.2
1iwp_A_152 - HE => SUBCLASS : 3.1.1
1iwp_A_206 - HE => SUBCLASS : 4.2.1
1iwp_A_206 - HE => SUBCLASS : 4.4.3
1iwp_A_180 - HE => SUBCLASS : 4.22.1
1iwp_A_508 - HA => SUBCLASS : 3.1.1

Loops not clustered in ArchDB

1iwp_B_12 - AR
1iwp_A_295 - EH
1iwp_A_360 - EH
1iwp_A_256 - EH
1iwp_A_220 - EH
1iwp_A_140 - EH
1iwp_A_48 - EH
1iwp_A_515 - EH
1iwp_B_29 - EH
1iwp_A_330 - EH
1iwp_A_42 - HA
1iwp_B_105 - HA
1iwp_B_95 - HA
1iwp_B_159 - HE
1iwp_B_80 - HE
1iwp_A_496 - HE
1iwp_A_343 - HE
1iwp_A_277 - HE
1iwp_A_240 - HE
1iwp_A_123 - HE
1iwp_A_5 - HE
1iwp_A_484 - HH
1iwp_A_434 - HH
1iwp_A_406 - HH
1iwp_A_385 - HH
1iwp_A_304 - HH
1iwp_A_265 - HH
1iwp_A_230 - HH
1iwp_G_84 - HH
1iwp_G_34 - HH
1iwp_G_13 - HH
1iwp_B_129 - HH

Homologous structures to 1iwp classified in ArchDB

1dio A - percentage of sequence identity: 70
1dio L - percentage of sequence identity: 70
1eex A - percentage of sequence identity: 70
1eex B - percentage of sequence identity: 62
1eex L - percentage of sequence identity: 70
1egm A - percentage of sequence identity: 70
1egm L - percentage of sequence identity: 70
1egv A - percentage of sequence identity: 70
1egv L - percentage of sequence identity: 70
1iwb A - percentage of sequence identity: 70
1iwb L - percentage of sequence identity: 70
1iwp A - percentage of sequence identity: 100
1iwp L - percentage of sequence identity: 100
1mmf A - percentage of sequence identity: 100
1mmf L - percentage of sequence identity: 100
1uc4 A - percentage of sequence identity: 70
1uc4 L - percentage of sequence identity: 70
1uc5 A - percentage of sequence identity: 70
1uc5 L - percentage of sequence identity: 70
null nu - percentage of sequence identity: 0