Information on 1uw4
PDB: 1uw4
Compound: regulator of nonsense transcripts 2
Entry date in PDB: 2004-03-11
Resolution [Å]: 1.95
R-Factor: 0.205
1uw4 Image
Image Source: PDB

Stored Loops of 1uw4

Loops in ArchDB40 clusters

1uw4_A_105 - HE => SUBCLASS : 3.12.1
1uw4_A_118 - HA => SUBCLASS : 3.1.1
1uw4_A_95 - EH => SUBCLASS : 2.1.1
1uw4_A_52 - EH => SUBCLASS : 5.11.1
1uw4_B_824 - HH => SUBCLASS : 1.2.36
1uw4_B_865 - HH => SUBCLASS : 4.1.3
1uw4_B_865 - HH => SUBCLASS : 4.4.2
1uw4_B_788 - HH => SUBCLASS : 5.30.1

Loops in ArchDB95 clusters

1uw4_A_95 - EH => SUBCLASS : 2.1.1
1uw4_A_52 - EH => SUBCLASS : 5.3.2
1uw4_A_52 - EH => SUBCLASS : 6.2.1
1uw4_B_824 - HH => SUBCLASS : 1.2.32
1uw4_B_865 - HH => SUBCLASS : 4.1.2
1uw4_A_105 - HE => SUBCLASS : 3.8.1
1uw4_A_118 - HA => SUBCLASS : 3.1.1

Loops not clustered in ArchDB

1uw4_A_126 - AR
1uw4_A_77 - HA
1uw4_A_64 - HE
1uw4_B_936 - HH
1uw4_B_917 - HH
1uw4_B_886 - HH
1uw4_B_839 - HH
1uw4_B_803 - HH
1uw4_B_770 - HH
1uw4_B_970 - HH

Homologous structures to 1uw4 classified in ArchDB

1uw4 A - percentage of sequence identity: 100
1uw4 C - percentage of sequence identity: 100
null nu - percentage of sequence identity: 0