Information on SUBCLASS 5.59.1 |
Subclass Accession number: 5838
Subclass: 5.59.1 Type: HE alpha-beta DB: ArchDB95 Image coordinates: Consensus coordinates: Conserved Annotation EC : - (>75 %) |
Number of loops: 3 Average sequence ID (%) : 10.0 +/- 11.0 Average RMSD (Å) : 1.133 +/- 0.404 Consensus geometry
Consensus Sequence: | pXchpXXph |
(φψ)-conformation: | aagpblpbb |
Pattern: | x | x | x | [LV] | x | [ENQ] | x | [AIL] | [ARS] | [DE] | x | [GN] | [FIV] | [KT] | [DGS] | [LT] | [KNT] | [IV] | x | x |
Conservation: | -0.762 | -1.303 | -0.437 | 0.969 | -1.086 | 0.537 | -0.545 | -0.329 | -0.437 | 2.036 | -0.654 | 1.572 | 0.320 | 0.598 | -0.113 | 0.196 | -0.113 | 1.831 | -1.086 | -1.195 |
Loops included in this Subclass |
Loop | PDB | Chain | Start | End | Sequence | Sec Struct | Ramachandran |
1bif_*_275 | 1bif | - | 281 | 300 | SKHLAQFISDQNIKDLKVFT | HHHHHHHHHHHT-TT-EEEE | aaaaaaaaaaalxxlxbbbb |
1hwu_A_13 | 1hwu | A | 13 | 32 | LDEVRESLAEVGVTGLTVTE | HHHHHHHHHHTT----EEEE | aaaaaaaaaaavbbvxbbbx |
1olt_A_188 | 1olt | A | 191 | 210 | IFALLNHAREIGFTSTNIDL | HHHHHHHHHHTT--S-EEEE | aaaaaaaaaaagxblxbbxb |
PDB ligands within a cut-off distance of 6 Å in this subclass |
Loop | PDB | Chain | Ligands | Residue |
1bif_*_275 | 1bif | * | GOLGLYCEROL | F - 299 |
1olt_A_188 | 1olt | A | SAMS-ADENOSYLMETHIONINE | D - 209 |
1olt_A_188 | 1olt | A | SAMS-ADENOSYLMETHIONINE | L - 210 |
1olt_A_188 | 1olt | A | SAMS-ADENOSYLMETHIONINE | I - 211 |
Clusters included in this Subclass |
CLUSTER: HE.5.351 |