Information on SUBCLASS 2.2.22 |
Subclass Accession number: 6067
Subclass: 2.2.22 Type: HA beta-beta hairpin DB: ArchDB95 Image coordinates: Consensus coordinates: |
Number of loops: 6 Average sequence ID (%) : 45.6 +/- 24.6 Average RMSD (Å) : 0.400 +/- 0.089 Consensus geometry
Consensus Sequence: | hGXcGh |
(φψ)-conformation: | bbaaep |
Pattern: | [ENRS] | [D] | [ITV] | [ACFY] | [FGI] | [G] | [TV] | [P] | [AV] | [ikv] | [IL] | [GN] | [AGRS] | [DGNT] | [G] | [ILV] | [EKR] | [EKQ] | [IV] |
Conservation: | -0.790 | 1.552 | -0.413 | -0.754 | -1.244 | 1.552 | -0.351 | 2.057 | -0.434 | -1.177 | 0.040 | 0.333 | -1.070 | -0.715 | 1.552 | -0.076 | -0.247 | -0.109 | 0.292 |
Loops included in this Subclass |
Loop | PDB | Chain | Start | End | Sequence | Sec Struct | Ramachandran |
1ez4_A_283 | 1ez4 | A | 283 | 301 | NDIYIGTPAIIGGTGLKQI | EEEEEEEEEEEETTEEEEE | blbxbxbwbxbbaaexabx |
1hye_A_265 | 1hye | A | 265 | 283 | RDVCIGVPVKIGRDGIEEV | EEEEEEEEEEEETTEEEEE | blbbbpbwbxbbaaexaex |
1ldn_A_283 | 1ldn | A | 283 | 301 | RDVYIGVPAVINRNGIREV | EEEEEEEEEEEETTEEEEE | blbxbxbwbxxbaaexabx |
1o6z_A_283 | 1o6z | A | 283 | 301 | EDTAFGVPVSLGSNGVEEI | EEEEEEEEEEEETTEEEEE | blbbbxbwbxxbaaexabx |
1t2d_A_270 | 1t2d | A | 270 | 288 | SDIFGGTPVVLGANGVEQV | EEEEEEEEEEEETTEEEEE | bvbxbxbwbbbbaaexabb |
1ur5_A_261 | 1ur5 | A | 261 | 279 | NDIYFGVPVILGAGGVEKI | EEEEEEEEEEEETTEEEEE | blbbbxbwbbbbaaexabb |
PDB ligands within a cut-off distance of 6 Å in this subclass |
Loop | PDB | Chain | Ligands | Residue |
1t2d_A_270 | 1t2d | A | GOLGLYCEROL | P - 277 |
PDB Site Annotated loops in this subclass |
Loop | PDB | Chain | Site | Residue |
1ur5_A_261 | 1ur5 | A | AC7CD BINDING SITE FOR CHAIN A | E - 277 |
Clusters included in this Subclass |
CLUSTER: HA.3.76 |