# This script should produce two models, 1fdx.B999901 and 1fdx.B999902.
# Before you run this script, do this: ln alignment.seg.ali fer2.ali
INCLUDE # Include the predefined TOP routines
SET ALNFILE = 'seq.pir' # alignment filename
SET KNOWNS = 'c1axea' 'c1peda''c1ht0b''c1kevc' 'c1ykfd' # codes of the templates
SET SEQUENCE = 'ALCEU' # code of the target
SET ATOM_FILES_DIRECTORY = './' # directories for input atom files
SET STARTING_MODEL= 1 # index of the first model
SET ENDING_MODEL = 5 # index of the last model
# (determines how many models to calculate)
SET DEVIATION = 2.0 # have to be >0 if more than 1 model
SET RAND_SEED = -12312 # to have different models from another TOP file
CALL ROUTINE = 'model' # do homology modelling