Information on 1aoz_A_479 |
Loop code: 1aoz_A_479 PDB: 1aoz Chain: A Type: AR beta-beta link |
Loop Start: 479 Loop Length: 1 Sec Struct Nt length: 2 Sec Struct Ct length: 4 Structure geometry
Sequence: | LRNTVVI |
Sec Struct: | EESEEEE |
PDB ligands within a cut-off distance of 6 Å in this loop |
Ligands | Residue | atSS | atLOOP |
C1OCU-O LINKAGE | N - 481 | 0 | 1 |
CUCOPPER (II) ION | N - 481 | 0 | 1 |
Associated ArchDB40 Subclass to 1aoz_A_479 |
Associated ArchDB95 Subclass to 1aoz_A_479 |
Associated ArchDB-EC Subclass to 1aoz_A_479 |