Information on 3bct
PDB: 3bct
Compound: beta-catenin
Classification: ARMADILLO REPEAT
Entry date in PDB: 1997-11-19
Resolution [Å]: 2.10
R-Factor: 0.229

   KEYWORD: 3D-structure    Activator    Cell adhesion    Cytoskeleton    Nuclear protein    Phosphorylation    Repeat    Structural protein    Transcription    Transcription regulation    Ubl conjugation    Wnt signaling pathway   
SCOP: a.118.1.1 All alpha proteins    alpha-alpha superhelix    ARM repeat    Armadillo repeat    beta-Catenin    Mouse (Mus musculus)
GO:  binding   
3bct Image
Image Source: PDB
Homologous structures to 3bct classified in ArchDB

1g3j C - percentage of sequence identity: 100
1jdh A - percentage of sequence identity: 100