Information on SUBCLASS 3.16.3 |
Subclass Accession number: 2984
Subclass: 3.16.3 Type: EH beta-alpha DB: ArchDB95 Image coordinates: Consensus coordinates: Conserved Annotation EC : 1 (>50 %) GO : GO:0004872 (>50 %) GO:0004888 (>50 %) GO:0004970 (>50 %) GO:0005216 (>50 %) GO:0005261 (>50 %) GO:0005267 (>50 %) GO:0008066 (>50 %) GO:0008324 (>50 %) GO:0015075 (>50 %) GO:0015267 (>50 %) GO:0015268 (>50 %) GO:0015276 (>50 %) SCOP : 53849 (>75 %) 53850 (>75 %) 53851 (>75 %) |
Number of loops: 3 Average sequence ID (%) : 23.8 +/- 17.9 Average RMSD (Å) : 0.333 +/- 0.058 Consensus geometry
Consensus Sequence: | XXpcSXh |
(φψ)-conformation: | bpplpaa |
Pattern: | [AGV] | [LMT] | [KPR] | [EK] | [DGN] | [S] | [PS] | [LW] | [GKQ] | [KNQ] | [ANT] | [IV] | [NS] | [LV] | [AES] | [IMV] | [L] | [KN] | x | x | [EY] |
Conservation: | -1.367 | -0.698 | -0.586 | 0.886 | -0.252 | 1.755 | 0.780 | -0.113 | -1.144 | -0.252 | -1.033 | 1.287 | 1.201 | 0.350 | -0.810 | 0.306 | 1.755 | 0.555 | -1.011 | -1.367 | -0.243 |
Loops included in this Subclass |
Loop | PDB | Chain | Start | End | Sequence | Sec Struct | Ramachandran |
1ii5_A_186 | 1ii5 | A | 193 | 213 | VLKENSPLQKTINVEMLNLLY | EEETT-TTHHHHHHHHHHHHH | bbxpvxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa |
1mqi_A_223 | 1mqi | A | 223 | 243 | ATPKGSSLGNAVNLAVLKLNE | EEETT-TTHHHHHHHHHHHHH | bbxxvpaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa |
1pb7_A_253 | 1pb7 | A | 253 | 273 | GMRKDSPWKQNVSLSILKSHE | EEETT-SSHHHHHHHHHHHHH | bbxxvxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa |
PDB ligands within a cut-off distance of 6 Å in this subclass |
Loop | PDB | Chain | Ligands | Residue |
1ii5_A_186 | 1ii5 | A | GLUGLUTAMIC ACID | E - 188 |
1ii5_A_186 | 1ii5 | A | GLUGLUTAMIC ACID | Y - 190 |
Clusters included in this Subclass |
CLUSTER: EH.4.283 |