Information on SUBCLASS 5.67.1
Subclass Accession number: 4071
Subclass: 5.67.1 PSSM
Type: AR beta-beta link
DB: ArchDB95

Image coordinates: Rasmol PDB Jmol PDB
Consensus coordinates: Rasmol PDB Jmol PDB

Conserved Annotation
GO : GO:0008830 (>75 %)  GO:0016853 (>75 %)  GO:0016854 (>75 %)  GO:0016857 (>75 %)  
SCOP : 51181 (>75 %)  51182 (>75 %)  51183 (>75 %)  
Number of loops: 3

Average sequence ID (%) : 39.6 +/- 15.7
Average RMSD (Å) : 0.233 +/- 0.058

Consensus geometry
d (Å): 7 delta (°): 90-135 theta (°): 90-135 rho (°): 135-180
Consensus Sequence: LpXpcpRph
(φψ)-conformation: bbaaalpbb
Pattern: [W][DTV][GS][V]x[L][DS][AD][EQ][DN][KR][R][EQT][FIL][FWY][IV]
Loops included in this Subclass
LoopPDBChainStartEndSequenceSec StructRamachandran
1dzr_A_991dzr   A99114WVGVNLSAENKRQLWIEEEEEEETTT--EEEEbbbbxbbaaalxbbbb
1ep0_A_991ep0   A99114WTGVRLSDENRREFFIEEEEEEETTT--EEEEbbbbxbbaaaUxbbxb
1upi_A_981upi   A98113WDSVLLDDQDRRTIYVEEEEEEETTT--EEEEbbbbxxbaaalxbbxb
PDB ligands within a cut-off distance of 6 Å in this subclass
1dzr_A_991dzr   A     GOLGLYCEROL W - 99
1dzr_A_991dzr   A     GOLGLYCEROL V - 100
1dzr_A_991dzr   A     GOLGLYCEROL G - 101
1dzr_A_991dzr   A     GOLGLYCEROL V - 102
1dzr_A_991dzr   A     GOLGLYCEROL Q - 111

Clusters included in this Subclass