Information on SUBCLASS 5.40.1 |
Subclass Accession number: 8618
Subclass: 5.40.1 Type: HE alpha-beta DB: ArchDB-EC Image coordinates: Consensus coordinates: |
Number of loops: 3 Average sequence ID (%) : 23.3 +/- 24.8 Average RMSD (Å) : 0.333 +/- 0.153 Consensus geometry
Consensus Sequence: | XpchpphXh |
(φψ)-conformation: | aalpplpbb |
Pattern: | [ASV] | x | x | [L] | [AG] | [ENQ] | [FY] | [FI] | [ERS] | [DGS] | [KQ] | [GN] | [IL] | [EKS] | [DS] | [IL] | [KV] | [IV] | [FVW] | [ST] |
Conservation: | -1.147 | -1.445 | -1.743 | 1.438 | 0.007 | -0.153 | 2.084 | 0.007 | -0.948 | -0.749 | 0.620 | 0.799 | 0.582 | -0.550 | 0.585 | 0.582 | -0.806 | 1.010 | -0.650 | 0.479 |
Loops included in this Subclass |
Loop | PDB | Chain | Start | End | Sequence | Sec Struct | Ramachandran |
1bif_*_275 | 1bif | - | 281 | 300 | SKHLAQFISDQNIKDLKVFT | HHHHHHHHHHHT-TT-EEEE | aaaaaaaaaaalxxlxbbbb |
1dku_A_153 | 1dku | A | 153 | 172 | VPILGEYFEGKNLEDIVIVS | HHHHHHHHHTTT--SEEEEE | aaaaaaaaaaavxbvxbxbx |
1fbt_A_27 | 1fbt | A | 33 | 52 | AYALANFIRSQGISSLKVWT | HHHHHHHHHTT--TT-EEEE | aaaaaaaaaaalxxlxxbbb |
PDB ligands within a cut-off distance of 6 Å in this subclass |
Loop | PDB | Chain | Ligands | Residue |
1bif_*_275 | 1bif | * | GOLGLYCEROL | F - 299 |
1fbt_A_27 | 1fbt | A | MSESELENOMETHIONINE | T - 52 |
1fbt_A_27 | 1fbt | A | MSESELENOMETHIONINE | S - 53 |
Clusters included in this Subclass |
CLUSTER: HE.6.236 |