Package biana :: Package BianaDB :: Module BianaDBaccess' :: Class BianaDBaccess
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Class BianaDBaccess

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Class used as an interface with database biana

Instance Methods [hide private]
NEWget_user_entity_relations(self, unification_protocol_name, userEntityID_list, attribute_restrictions=[], negative_attribute_restrictions=[], listRelationType=[], dictRelationAttributeRestriction={}, use_self_relations=True, limit_to_userEntityID_list=False, use_nested_relations=True)
Returns the list of relations where the userEntity is involved use_nested_relations ==> Include relations greater than a nested level
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OLDget_user_entity_relations(self, unification_protocol_name, userEntityID_list, attribute_restrictions=[], negative_attribute_restrictions=[], listRelationType=[], dictRelationAttributeRestriction={}, use_self_relations=True, limit_to_userEntityID_list=False, use_nested_relations=True)
#! Nasty trick (not used anymore): to not to join externalEntityType table in the query in case sth is interacting with itself (see use_self_relations) there is an internal type called "self_type" which should be handled carefully whenever this method is called and type is going to be used
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__getnewargs__(self) source code
__getstate__(self) source code
__init__(self, dbname=None, dbhost=None, dbuser=None, dbpassword=None, dbport=None, dbsocket=None, use_buffer=False, lock_tables=False, check_integrity=False)
"dbname" is the database name to which you want to connect to (required) "dbhost" is the machine with the mysql server that holds the biana database (required) "dbuser" is the mysql user (not required in most systems) "dbpassword" is the mysql password (not required in most systems) "dbport" is the mysql port (not required in most systems)
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__setstate__(self, dict) source code
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_add_key_attribute(self, external_database_id, key_attribute)
Adds a key attribute, used in transfer attributes (key attribute) and ontologies (linked attribute)
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_add_transfer_attribute(self, externalDatabaseID, key_attribute, transfer_attribute) source code
_apply_negative_restrictions_to_query(self, query, unification_protocol_name, negative_attribute_restrictions, column_name_to_restrict='userEntityID') source code
_apply_relation_restrictions_to_query(self, query, attribute_restrictions_dict, column_name_to_restrict='externalEntityRelationID') source code
_apply_restrictions_to_query(self, query, unification_protocol_name, attribute_restrictions, column_name_to_restrict='userEntityID')
Applies the restrictions for a given query, where some user entites must be restricted
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Checks the integrity of the database
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_convertListSourceDBVersionToSourceDBIdList(self, source_databases) source code
_create_new_unification_protocol_tables(self, protocol) source code
_empty_sequences_table(self, type) source code
_get_attribute_restrictions_query(self, unification_protocol_name, negative_attribute_restrictions) source code
_get_attribute_value_list_for_transfer_attributes(self, attribute_identifier, field_values)
returns a list of (field, value) of the transferred attribute
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_get_db_versions_list(self) source code
_get_equivalent_external_entities(self, unification_atom_element)
returns the query to obtain the list of equivalent
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_get_equivalent_user_entities_by_sharing_attributes(self, unification_protocol_name, user_entity_id_list, attribute_list)
Returns a list of tuples with userEntityID1, userEntityID2 OBSOLETE - use get_user_entity_relations_by_sharing_attributes instead
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_get_expand_ontology_attribute_table_query(self, attribute_identifier, values_to_expand_list) source code
_get_externalDatabaseID_int(self, sourceDBName, sourceDBVersion)
Returns the decimal value assigned to the sourceDB (externalDatabaseID will be converted to lower_case)
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_get_key_attribute_table_name(self, key_id) source code
_get_last_external_entity_id(self) source code
_get_last_external_entity_relation_participant_id(self) source code
_get_last_key_id(self) source code
_get_last_sequenceNucleotide_id(self) source code
_get_last_sequenceProtein_id(self) source code
_get_last_stable_external_entity_id(self) source code
_get_last_stable_external_entity_relation_participant_id(self) source code
_get_last_stable_key_id(self) source code
_get_last_stable_sequenceNucleotide_id(self) source code
_get_last_stable_sequenceProtein_id(self) source code
_get_linked_attribute_ontology_name(self, attribute_identifier)
Returns the name of the ontology linked to an attribute
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_get_list_eE_for_uE(self, unification_protocol_name, userEntityID) source code
_get_list_external_entities_IDs_by_attribute_SQLstat(self, attribute_identifier, field_values, source_databases=[], attribute_restrictions=None, expand_ontology_attributes=True)
Gets a list of external entities that have an attribute with "attribute_value" value "field_value" is the field/S and value/S we want to obtain If a value is *, it will obtain all having this attribute
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_get_list_external_entities_for_user_entities(self, unification_protocol_name, userEntityID_list) source code
_get_list_user_entities_IDs_by_attribute_transfer_query(self, attribute_identifier, field_values, unification_protocol_name, source_databases=[], attribute_restrictions=None, include_type=False, restrict_to_user_entity_ids_list=[]) source code
_get_list_user_entities_for_external_entities(self, unification_protocol_name, externalEntityID_list) source code
_get_nested_queries_for_getting_equivalent_uE_by_sharing_attributes(self, unification_protocol_name, attribute_list, user_entity_ids_list, restrict_to_user_entity_ids_list=True, ontology_levels={})
Returns a string with a sql query.
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_get_new_external_entity_id(self) source code
_get_new_external_entity_relation_participant_id(self) source code
_get_new_key_id(self) source code
_get_new_sequenceNucleotide_id(self) source code
_get_new_sequenceProtein_id(self) source code
_get_similar_sequences(self, sequenceID, bit_score=None, identity_percent=None, similarity_percent=None, query_coverage_percent=None, match_coverage_percent=None)
Gets similar sequences from database
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_get_table_names(self) source code
_get_user_entity_table_name(self, unification_protocol_name) source code
_get_valid_source_databases_by_id(self) source code
Returns a dictionary with current external databases stored in BIANA database
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_insert_blast_results_file(self, file_fd)
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_insert_external_entity_attribute(self, externalEntityID, externalEntityAttribute)
Adds a new attribute to the external entity externalEntityID must exist previously
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_insert_external_entity_relation_participant_attribute(self, pParticipantID, pExternalEntityRelationParticipantAttribute) source code
_insert_protein_sequence_cd_hit_cluster(self, cd_hit_cluster) source code
_insert_sequence(self, sequence)
Inserts a sequence object into BIANA database and returns its ID.
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_insert_sequence_file(self, input_fd, type, format='fasta', verbose=True)
Inserts a sequence file to the database
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_is_key_attribute(self, attribute_identifier, external_database_id) source code
_is_ontology_linked_attribute(self, attribute_identifier) source code
_is_transferred_attribute(self, attribute_identifier) source code
Gets the information about available unification protocols
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Method to load biana database information into this class
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Method to load current biana database types and attributes
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_load_sequences(self, sequenceIdList, type='proteinsequence')
Gets multiple sequence object from BIANA database
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Method used to undo all the changes from an stable data insert
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_transform_attribute_value_data_type_to_biana_database_attribute_data_type(self, attribute_identifier, value) source code
_unify_promiscuous_external_entities(self, protocol) source code
Method used internally to control biana autoincrement fields.
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Method used internally to control biana version to be able to control compatibilities between diffent database versions
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Precalculates and stores in database relations hierachy
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add_hssp_info_to_pdb(self, pdb_code, chain, residue_pdb_number, residue_hssp_entropy, residue_hssp_norm_entropy, residue_hssp_variability, conservation_hssp, solvent_exposure_hssp, dssp)
Adds HSSP information to pdb files
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add_valid_external_entity_attribute_type(self, name, data_type, category) source code
add_valid_external_entity_relation_participant_attribute_type(self, name, data_type) source code
add_valid_external_entity_relation_type(self, type) source code
add_valid_external_entity_type(self, type) source code
add_valid_identifier_reference_types(self, current_reference_type) source code
Close the connection with database
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create_database(self, dbname, description='BIANA DATABASE', optimize_for='parsing', ignore_primary_keys=False)
It creates necessary tables into a database server
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create_new_user_entities(self, protocol)
"protocol" is the UnificationProtocol object that has to be followed
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drop_unification_protocol(self, unification_protocol_name)
Drops from the database all the information of a protocol of unification
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get_alignment(self, externalEntityID, get_species=False, range=None)
Returns an alignment object identified by the externalEntityID used as parameter
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get_available_ontology_names(self, name=None) source code
get_available_unification_protocols_list(self) source code
get_default_external_entity_ids(self, externalEntityIDsList) source code
get_equivalent_user_entities_from_list(self, userEntitiesList, attribute, protocol_id) source code
get_expanded_entity_relations(self, unification_protocol_name, userEntityID_list, expansionAttributesList=[], listRelationType=[], use_self_relations=True, limit_to_userEntityID_list=False, expansionLevel=2, attribute_restrictions=[], negative_attribute_restrictions=[])
unification_protocol_name: name of the unification protocol to be used
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get_external_database(self, database_id) source code
get_external_database_list(self) source code
get_external_entities_dict(self, externalEntityIdsList, attribute_list=[], relation_attribute_list=[], participant_attribute_list=[], useTransferAttributes=True)
Returns a dict of external Entity Objects with the attributes specified in the "attribute_identifier_list"
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get_external_entities_dict_by_attribute(self, attribute_identifier, field_values, source_databases=None, attribute_restrictions=None, attribute_list=[], relation_attribute_list=[], participant_attribute_list=[]) source code
get_list_external_entities_IDs_by_attribute(self, attribute_identifier, field_values, source_databases=[], attribute_restrictions=None) source code
get_list_user_entities_IDs_by_attribute(self, unification_protocol_name, attribute_identifier, field_values, attribute_restrictions=None, negative_attribute_restrictions=None, restrict_to_user_entity_ids_list=[], include_type=False)
Returns a list of user entities that match with the attributes specified of type attribute_identifier
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get_ontology(self, ontology_name, root_attribute_values=[], load_external_entities=False)
Loads ontology object
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get_relations_hierarchy(self, externalEntityRelationIDs)
Returns a list of tuples (relationID1, relationID2) in where relationID1 is a child of relationID2
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get_sequence_from_sequenceID(self, sequenceID) source code
get_sequence_taxonomies(self, sequenceID) source code
get_taxonomies_from_species_name(self, species_name) source code
get_taxonomy_names_taxID_dict(self, tax_id_name_type=None)
name is lower cased
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get_unification_protocol_atoms(self, unification_protocol_name)
Fetchs from the database all the atom information of a protocol of unification
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get_user_entity_attributes(self, unification_protocol_name, listUserEntityID, attribute_identifier)
Returns a dictionary with { userEntityID: list of attributes }
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get_user_entity_id_and_type_tuple_list(self, unification_protocol_name, attribute_identifier, field_values, attribute_restrictions=[], restrict_to_user_entity_ids_list=[])
Gets a list of user entities
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get_user_entity_relations(self, unification_protocol_name, userEntityID_list, attribute_restrictions=[], negative_attribute_restrictions=[], listRelationType=[], dictRelationAttributeRestriction={}, use_self_relations=True, limit_to_userEntityID_list=False, use_nested_relations=True) source code
get_user_entity_relations_by_sharing_attributes(self, unification_protocol_name, userEntityID_list, listAttributes, limit_to_userEntityID_list=False, attribute_restrictions=[], negative_attribute_restrictions=[], ontology_expansion_level=None)
Returns a list of relations between user entities, in which the share attributes listed in listAttributes
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get_user_entity_type(self, unification_protocol_name, user_entity_ids)
Gets types associated with given user entity ids from database
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get_valid_external_entity_relation_types(self) source code
get_valid_external_entity_types(self) source code
insert_alignment(self, alignmentObject, externalEntityID, insert_aligned='no')
"insert_aligned" is used to insert exactly the aligned sequence (used in done alignments, as HSSP, as the sequences does not always is exactly the same...
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insert_cd_hit_clusters_to_biana_database(self, cd_hit_clusters_file)
Inserts information about CD-HIT clusters into database
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insert_new_attribute_description(self, attribute_identifier, field_values)
"attribute_identifier" must be an accepted one
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insert_new_external_database(self, externalDatabase)
Inserts into database the information of a new external database that is being integrated into BIANA database
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insert_new_external_entity(self, externalEntity)
Inserts a new external entity to the biana database
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insert_ontology(self, ontology)
Inserts to the database the complete ontology object
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insert_pdb_object(self, PDBObject, source_database, description=None) source code
isOptimizedForRunning(self) source code
load_hssp_alignment(self, pdb_id, chain, fragments=[], get_species=False)
Returns an alignment for an structure given in the hssp
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load_hssp_multiple_chains(self, pdb_id, fragments=[], get_species=False) source code
load_pdb_object(self, pdb_code, fragments=[], merge_fragments=False, request_information=None)
"pdb_code" is mandatory
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optimize_database_for(self, mode, optimize=False)
Performs some modifications in database in order to optimize database access efficiency for parsing or running
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output_sequences(self, outmethod, type='proteinsequence', format='fasta', sequenceIDs=None)
outmethod: destination where data in fasta format would be written type: either "proteinsequence" or "nucleotidesequence" - decides which type of sequence is desired format: either "fasta" or "seq" corresponding to fasta format or raw sequence format sequenceIDs: list of sequence ids whose sequence would be outputted - if None will output all sequences in the database
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reconnect(self) source code
refresh_database_information(self) source code
transform_expanded_attribute_restrictions(self, attribute_restriction_list) source code
update_external_database_external_entity_attributes(self, externalDatabase) source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, dbname=None, dbhost=None, dbuser=None, dbpassword=None, dbport=None, dbsocket=None, use_buffer=False, lock_tables=False, check_integrity=False)

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"dbname" is the database name to which you want to connect to (required) "dbhost" is the machine with the mysql server that holds the biana database (required) "dbuser" is the mysql user (not required in most systems) "dbpassword" is the mysql password (not required in most systems) "dbport" is the mysql port (not required in most systems)

The following parameters should not be used by standard users, only for advanced users or developers: "use_buffer" must be set True when populating database due to performance issues. Automatically controlled by parsers "lock_tables" Allow Connector db to lock tables when using them. It is set to True when populating database due to performance issues "check_integrity" determines if integrity of the database must be checked (if there is any parser not finished or if some table definitions have been changed)

Overrides: object.__init__

(Informal representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__str__
(inherited documentation)

_add_key_attribute(self, external_database_id, key_attribute)

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Adds a key attribute, used in transfer attributes (key attribute) and ontologies (linked attribute)

Creates the necessary tables

_get_externalDatabaseID_int(self, sourceDBName, sourceDBVersion)

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Returns the decimal value assigned to the sourceDB (externalDatabaseID will be converted to lower_case)

If "sourceDBVersion" is None, it returns a list with the all the identifiers assigned to the sourceDBName

_get_nested_queries_for_getting_equivalent_uE_by_sharing_attributes(self, unification_protocol_name, attribute_list, user_entity_ids_list, restrict_to_user_entity_ids_list=True, ontology_levels={})

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Returns a string with a sql query. The sql query returns 2 columns: userEntityID1 and userEntityID2, because they share the combination of attributes in the attribute_list

_get_similar_sequences(self, sequenceID, bit_score=None, identity_percent=None, similarity_percent=None, query_coverage_percent=None, match_coverage_percent=None)

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Gets similar sequences from database

In order to be able to run this method, is mandatory to fill before the table of blast or psi-blast results

All specified conditions are evaluated jointly, with AND

TO CHECK!!! The indices are optimized only for identity and coverage!!!

returns a list of sequenceIDs from similar sequences according to the requeriments.


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Returns a dictionary with current external databases stored in BIANA database

Database objects are accessed by its name and version


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Method to load biana database information into this class

It loads information about the database description, its optimization status, special attributes and special attributes

It is used when initializing a BianaDBaccess object

_load_sequences(self, sequenceIdList, type='proteinsequence')

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Gets multiple sequence object from BIANA database

"sequenceID" can be a single id or a id list

"type" can be "protein" or "nucleotide"


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Method used internally to control biana autoincrement fields. Called by _update_bianaDB_version since updation of autoincrement fields is required before updating version stable ids.


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Method used internally to control biana version to be able to control compatibilities between diffent database versions

It also stores the stable values for the database

add_hssp_info_to_pdb(self, pdb_code, chain, residue_pdb_number, residue_hssp_entropy, residue_hssp_norm_entropy, residue_hssp_variability, conservation_hssp, solvent_exposure_hssp, dssp)

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Adds HSSP information to pdb files

If the PDB information does not exist, inserts the data


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Close the connection with database

Although it is only necessary to close the BianaDBaccess object when parsing, is highly recommended to use it always as maybe in the future this requirite may change

create_database(self, dbname, description='BIANA DATABASE', optimize_for='parsing', ignore_primary_keys=False)

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It creates necessary tables into a database server

"description" is a tag for label the new database

"optimize_for" can take two distinct values: "parsing" and "running". By default, it creates a database optimized for parsing (as it will be created empty).

drop_unification_protocol(self, unification_protocol_name)

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Drops from the database all the information of a protocol of unification

"protocol_description" corresponds to the description of the protocol to drop

get_expanded_entity_relations(self, unification_protocol_name, userEntityID_list, expansionAttributesList=[], listRelationType=[], use_self_relations=True, limit_to_userEntityID_list=False, expansionLevel=2, attribute_restrictions=[], negative_attribute_restrictions=[])

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unification_protocol_name: name of the unification protocol to be used

userEntityID_list: user entity ids to be searched for relations based on the shared attributes

expansionAttributesList: list of lists containing (attribute, list_of_parameters_and_values) where list_of_parameter_and_values contains tuples like (parameter, value). Each tuple in the inner list is an expansion criterion (anded with the other expansion criteria in the inner list whereas all inner lists are ored in the query). List contains all the attributes that must be used together for the expansion.

listRelationType: type of relations between attribute sharing entry and its partners to be inferred

use_self_relations: including self relations or not

limit_to_userEntityID_list: use given user entity ids only in inference # TODO!!! NOT USED NOW.

expansionLevel: number of relations (edges) to look further during inference based on shared attributes

attribute_restrictions: restrictions to be applied on the attributes # TODO!!!! NOT USED NOW.

get_external_entities_dict(self, externalEntityIdsList, attribute_list=[], relation_attribute_list=[], participant_attribute_list=[], useTransferAttributes=True)

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Returns a dict of external Entity Objects with the attributes specified in the "attribute_identifier_list"

The key in the dictionary corresponds to the external Entity ID

The external entity can be of any type (included relations)

"attribute_field_restrictions" is to restrict the attributes by additional fields. Sintaxis: [(attribute_identifier, field, value)]

get_list_user_entities_IDs_by_attribute(self, unification_protocol_name, attribute_identifier, field_values, attribute_restrictions=None, negative_attribute_restrictions=None, restrict_to_user_entity_ids_list=[], include_type=False)

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Returns a list of user entities that match with the attributes specified of type attribute_identifier

If include_type is set to True, it returns a list of tuples

get_unification_protocol_atoms(self, unification_protocol_name)

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Fetchs from the database all the atom information of a protocol of unification

"unification_protocol_name" corresponds to the description of the protocol

get_user_entity_attributes(self, unification_protocol_name, listUserEntityID, attribute_identifier)

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Returns a dictionary with { userEntityID: list of attributes }

This method is intended to be faster for getting user entity attributes than getting external entity objects and its attribute objects

Numerical values are stored as strings!!!

get_user_entity_id_and_type_tuple_list(self, unification_protocol_name, attribute_identifier, field_values, attribute_restrictions=[], restrict_to_user_entity_ids_list=[])

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Gets a list of user entities

It returns a set with user entities objects

"attribute_restrictions" must be a list of (attribute_identifier, value)

#! Obselete: Not used by any method

get_user_entity_relations_by_sharing_attributes(self, unification_protocol_name, userEntityID_list, listAttributes, limit_to_userEntityID_list=False, attribute_restrictions=[], negative_attribute_restrictions=[], ontology_expansion_level=None)

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Returns a list of relations between user entities, in which the share attributes listed in listAttributes

"listAttributes" is a list of lists of external entity attributes. Each sublist is a "sharing" restriction

"expand_ontology_attributes": Boolean to specify if ontology attributes should be expanded to lower levels

"ontology_expansion_level": Dictionary to specigy the category level to which should be considered equivalent two ontology attributes (for example, family level in scop)

get_user_entity_type(self, unification_protocol_name, user_entity_ids)

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Gets types associated with given user entity ids from database

Returns a dictionary of user entity id and type

insert_alignment(self, alignmentObject, externalEntityID, insert_aligned='no')

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"insert_aligned" is used to insert exactly the aligned sequence (used in done alignments, as HSSP, as the sequences does not always is exactly the same
                 In this case, the fragments are not inserted

insert_new_attribute_description(self, attribute_identifier, field_values)

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"attribute_identifier" must be an accepted one

"field_values" must be a dictionary with the keys (accepted ones) and its values

insert_new_external_entity(self, externalEntity)

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Inserts a new external entity to the biana database

If the externalEntity has been previously inserted in the database, it will show a message advertising about this. It won't insert the attributes, as an external entity can be inserted only once!

It is required to use this method once by each externalEntity.

insert_ontology(self, ontology)

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Inserts to the database the complete ontology object

The external entities of the ontology must be inserted previously

load_hssp_alignment(self, pdb_id, chain, fragments=[], get_species=False)

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Returns an alignment for an structure given in the hssp

For the moment, all the fragments must belong to the same chain

load_pdb_object(self, pdb_code, fragments=[], merge_fragments=False, request_information=None)

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"pdb_code" is mandatory

"fragments" is a list of pdb fragments.

"merge_fragments" is used to merge all fragments or chains as a single chain or to mantain each chain as a different chain. If it is used, atom numbers and residue numbers are changed

"request_information" indicates which information has to be loaded. It is a list. It can be: It can be: "residue_type","atoms_info","hssp_conservation","hssp_entropy","hssp_exposure","hssp_norm_entropy","hssp_variability","dssp"

optimize_database_for(self, mode, optimize=False)

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Performs some modifications in database in order to optimize database access efficiency for parsing or running

"mode" can take two different values: "running" or "parsing"

"optimize" parameter will be only used if mode is "running"