Package biana :: Package BianaObjects :: Module BianaReport :: Class BianaReport
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Class BianaReport

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A class to control BIANA reports

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, title='BIANA report', streamOutputMethod=<bound method _DevNull.write of <epydoc.docintrospecter._DevNu..., format='html', url='')
title is the title that will be written on top of the report (default is 'BIANA report')
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closeReport(self, streamOutputMethod=<bound method _DevNull.write of <epydoc.docintrospecter._DevNu..., format='html')
Closes the Biana report.
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addText(self, theText=None, type='regular')
This method adds text to the report.
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addResult(self, resultFileName=None, resultFilePath=None, associatedText=None, bulletedList=[])
This method adds information to the resport about a result file.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, title='BIANA report', streamOutputMethod=<bound method _DevNull.write of <epydoc.docintrospecter._DevNu..., format='html', url='')

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title is the title that will be written on top of the report (default is 'BIANA report')

streamOutputMethod is the write method where the report will be written (e.g. file_object.write)
      --> if no streamOutputMethod is given, report is written to stdout

format is the formatting that will be applied to the report
     - 'html': report in html
     - 'txt': report in raw text

url is the web address where the interface to BIANA is placed

Overrides: object.__init__

closeReport(self, streamOutputMethod=<bound method _DevNull.write of <epydoc.docintrospecter._DevNu..., format='html')

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Closes the Biana report. This method is in charge of writing the closing HTML tags of the report

"reportOutputMethod" is the write method where the report will be written (e.g. file_object.write)
      --> if no streamOutputMethod is given, report is written to stdout

"reportFormat" is the formatting that will be applied to the report
     - 'html': report in html
     - 'txt': report in raw text

Attention!!! This method does not close the file object associated to the report. The user is responsible
             for closing the file (if needed).

addText(self, theText=None, type='regular')

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This method adds text to the report.

Depending on the 'type' of text, it will be written one way or another

  • 'regular' prints standard text
  • 'title' prints a section title

addResult(self, resultFileName=None, resultFilePath=None, associatedText=None, bulletedList=[])

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This method adds information to the resport about a result file.

'resultFileName' is the name you want to give to this result file

'resultFilePath' is the path (or URL) of the result file (e.g. http://localhost/this_file.html

'associatedText' is the text shown next to the results file name (i.e description of the file)

'bulletedList' is a list of strings that will be shown under the results name as a bulleted list