Package biana :: Package BianaObjects :: Module ExternalDatabase' :: Class ExternalDatabase
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Class ExternalDatabase

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Class to represent an external database (any database giving biologic relevant information)

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, databaseName, databaseVersion, databaseFile, databaseDescription, defaultExternalEntityAttribute, databaseDate=None, externalDatabaseID=None, isPromiscuous=False)
Initializes a ExternalDatabase Object
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add_valid_external_entity_attribute_type(self, attribute_identifier) source code
add_valid_external_entity_relation_attribute_type(self, attribute_identifier) source code
add_valid_external_entity_relation_type(self, eEr_type) source code
add_valid_external_entity_type(self, eE_type) source code
get_default_eE_attribute(self) source code
get_description(self) source code
get_id(self) source code
get_name(self) source code
get_parsed_file(self) source code
get_parsing_date(self) source code
get_parsing_time(self) source code
get_promiscuity(self) source code
get_valid_external_entity_attribute_type(self) source code
get_valid_external_entity_relation_attribute_type(self) source code
get_valid_external_entity_relation_type(self) source code
get_valid_external_entity_type(self) source code
get_version(self) source code
has_external_entity_type(self, eE_type)
Checks if this external database contains external entities of the type "eE_type"
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set_id(self, externalDatabaseID) source code
set_parsing_time(self, time) source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, databaseName, databaseVersion, databaseFile, databaseDescription, defaultExternalEntityAttribute, databaseDate=None, externalDatabaseID=None, isPromiscuous=False)

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Initializes a ExternalDatabase Object

"databaseName" is the name for the external database (i.e. swissprot, IntAct, Reactome...)

"datavaseVersion" is the version of the database. The combination of databaseName and databaseVersion must be unique!

"databaseFile" is the parsed database file. If there are multiple files, it is an empty string

"databaseDescription" is a longer description of the database (for example, "public repository of interactions of ncbi", etc.)

"externalDatabaseID" is a unique identifier for the database. When parsing it should not be added, only when this information is persistent in the database

"defaultExternalEntityAttribute" is the default attribute type of the data an external database is providing

"databaseDate" Parsing date. If it is None, automatically assigns to current date to it "isPromiscuous" Flag deciding whether database gives information that is going to be added to more than one user entiries

Overrides: object.__init__

(Informal representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__str__
(inherited documentation)