Package biana :: Package BianaObjects :: Module ExternalEntityRelation' :: Class ExternalEntityRelation
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Class ExternalEntityRelation

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This general object represents an entry represeting a relation between external entities in an external database

An external Entity Relation is a relation of any type between two or more external entities

It can contain several attributes.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, source_database, relation_type, id=None)
"source_databas_id" is the source database id where this entity is described
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add_participant(self, externalEntityID)
Adds a participant to this relation
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add_participant_attribute(self, externalEntityID, participantAttribute)
Adds an attribute to a participant in the relation
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get_participant_attribute(self, participantExternalEntityID, attribute_identifier) source code
get_participant_attributes(self, participantExternalEntityID)
Returns a list of [(attribute_name, fieldValues dictionary)]
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Returns a list with all the externalEntityIds of the participants
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Returns the type of this relation (interaction, reaction...)
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Inherited from ExternalEntity'.ExternalEntity: __eq__, __str__, add_attribute, get_attribute, get_attributes_dict, get_id, get_source_database, get_type, set_id

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__

Static Methods [hide private]
Static method
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isValidType(type, biana_database) source code

Inherited from ExternalEntity'.ExternalEntity: get_valid_external_entity_types

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from ExternalEntity'.ExternalEntity: PROMISCUOUS_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_TYPES_DICT

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, source_database, relation_type, id=None)

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"source_databas_id" is the source database id where this entity is described

"relation_type" indicates the type of externalEntityRelation

"id" is the UNIQUE identifier in the database for this external entity

Overrides: object.__init__

add_participant(self, externalEntityID)

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Adds a participant to this relation

"externalEntityID" externalEntityID corresponding to the participant

add_participant_attribute(self, externalEntityID, participantAttribute)

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Adds an attribute to a participant in the relation

If the participant didn't exist previously, it gives error. It is necessary to insert previously the participant!

Static Method

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Static method

Returns a list with all available relation types

isValidType(type, biana_database)
Static Method

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Overrides: ExternalEntity'.ExternalEntity.isValidType