Package biana :: Package BianaObjects :: Module UnificationProtocol' :: Class UnificationAtomElement
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Class UnificationAtomElement

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Class to represent a condition of unification

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, externalDatabaseID_A, externalDatabaseID_B, externalAttribute, field_conditions_A=[], field_conditions_B=[], field_cross_references=['value'])
"externalDatabaseID_A" and "externalDatabaseID_B" are the databaseIntegers that identify the databases we want to crossreference externalDatabaseID_A must be lower or equal to externalDatabaseID_B.
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String representation of the class
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get_externalDatabaseID_A(self) source code
get_externalDatabaseID_B(self) source code
returns a tuple with both database identifiers
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get_external_attribute_list(self) source code
gets a list of tuples with the following format: (field,value)
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gets a list of tuples with the following format: (field,value)
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get_field_cross_references(self) source code
is_comparable(self, unificationAtomElement2)
Checks if two atom elements are comparable, by checking the equivalence of all its attributes except the source databases
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, externalDatabaseID_A, externalDatabaseID_B, externalAttribute, field_conditions_A=[], field_conditions_B=[], field_cross_references=['value'])

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"externalDatabaseID_A" and "externalDatabaseID_B" are the databaseIntegers that identify the databases we want to crossreference
                                  externalDatabaseID_A must be lower or equal to externalDatabaseID_B. If not, they will be flipped

"externalAttribute" is the attribute that we want to cross-reference
                    It can be a list of attributes if they have to be taken into account together (for example, ["sequence","taxID"]

"fields_A" and "fields_B" is a list with the fields we want to cross-reference (for example, ["value","type"]

"field_conditions_A" and "field_conditions_B" is optional, and they must be a dictionary with restricted fields { "field": "restricted_value" }

"field_cross_references" is a list of the fields that have to be cross-referenced. By default, it takes the value [ "value" ]

Overrides: object.__init__

(Informal representation operator)

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String representation of the class

Overrides: object.__str__