Package biana :: Package BianaParser :: Module psi_Mi25Parser :: Class Psi_MiFormattedDBParser
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[frames] | no frames]

Class Psi_MiFormattedDBParser

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PSI-MI formatted DB Parser Class

Instance Methods [hide private]
Starts the bianaParser Object
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Method that implements the specific operations of PSI-MI formatted database parser
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addNameAttributesToExternalEntityObject(self, objPsi_MiNames, psi_MiFormatted_object, nameAttribute='name', flagIgnoreAlias=False) source code
addXRefAttributesToExternalEntityObject(self, objPsi_MiXRef, psi_MiFormatted_object, flagIgnoreRefSecondary=False, attribute_class=<class 'biana.BianaObjects.ExternalEntityAttribute.ExternalEnt...) source code
decideInteractorTypeSpecificConversions(self, interactorType) source code
decideSequenceTypeSpecificConversions(self, sequenceType) source code
decideRoleSpecificConversions(self, nameRole) source code
decideAliasTypeSpecificConversions(self, type) source code
getIndexOfFirstOccurenceOfDigit(self, strDBName) source code
decideDBReferenceSpecificConversions(self, objDBReference) source code
checkOrInsertDBNamePrefix(self, dbName, prefix) source code

Inherited from bianaParser.BianaParser: add_to_log, close, get_log_string, initialize_input_file_descriptor, parseArguments, print_help, start

Inherited from bianaParser.BianaParser (private): _indent, _splitsize

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__

Class Variables [hide private]
  name = 'psi_mi_2.5'
  description = 'This parser inserts psi-mi 2.5 formated informa...
  external_entity_definition = 'Each relation participant is con...
  external_entity_relations = 'External Entity Relations'
  dictDBNameToPrefix = {}
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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Starts the bianaParser Object

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)


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Method that implements the specific operations of PSI-MI formatted database parser

Overrides: bianaParser.BianaParser.parse_database

Class Variable Details [hide private]


'This parser inserts psi-mi 2.5 formated information to biana database\


'Each relation participant is considered as a distinct External Entity\