Grumos és l'interfície per a poder executar el programa GROMOS; un programa dissenyat per a realitzar la simulació de la dinàmica molecular per a estudis de sistemes biomoleculars.

    Els objectius del programa, són:

    1. Predicció de la dependència de la conformació molecular amb l'entorn en el què es troba (aigua, etanol, cloroform, DMSO, solvent apolar, ...)
    2. Càlcul de les constants relatives d'enllaç tot evaluant diferències de l'energia lliure entre diversos complexos moleculars a partir d'integracions termodinàmiques, perturbacions i extrapolacions.
    3. Predicció de canvis energètics i estructurals causats per modificacionsd'aà en enzims o en parells de bases a l'ADN.
    4. Derivació en tres dimensions (3D) de l'estructura molecular basats en dades obtingudes a partir del NMR.
    5. Modelatge dinàmic de complexes moleculars
    6. Predicció de les propietats dels materials sota condicions extremes de temperatura i pressió, les quals poden ser experimentalment inaccessibles.


    Realitzarem la simulació de la Dinàmica Molecular sense solvent, només en el millor dels models: probl1amb3_2.ent (model2.pdb).

    Abans de correr el programa grumos, haurem de comprovar si aquesta estructura presenta residus de Cys prou aprop per a formar ponts disulfur.

    Aquesta comprovació la podem fer tot visualitzant l'estructura en Rasmol i assenyalant-ne tots els residus de Cys:

    RasMol> pick distance
    Atom #1: CYS175.SG (1286)
    Atom #2: CYS53.SG (405)
    Distance CYS175.SG-CYS53.SG: 16.227

    La distància entre el dos residus de Cys, és de 16.227Å, massa gran per a formar un pont disulfur.

    Una altra cosa que cal revisar abans d'executar el programa, és comprovar la terminació del model en l'arxiu .pdb en el cas que haguem modificat l'estructura (si per exemple li hem tret les cues).

    Ens hem d'assegurar que l'última fila de l'estructura presenti:

    ATOM   2103  NH1 ARG   283      14.834   3.028  42.614  1.00198.16       1SG2104
    ATOM   2104  NH2 ARG   283      16.193   1.104  42.428  1.00198.16       1SG2105
    ATOM   2105  C   ARG   283      13.218   5.282  46.378  1.00198.16       1SG2106
    ATOM   2106  O   ARG   283      14.115   6.046  46.732  1.00198.16       1SG2107
    ATOM   2107  OXT ARG   283      12.720   5.305  45.134  1.00102.49       1SG2108

    Un cop revisats el possibles ponts S-S, comprovada la terminació del .pdb, només cal realitzar la següent comanda per tal de solucionar algun possible problema de format existent en l'estructura del model (consisteix a passar un filtre al nostre .pdb):

    $ arrange.pl nommodel grumosnommodel.pdb

    L'execució d'aquest interactiu programa mostra les següents instruccions per pantalla, de les quals en resalto:

    [e14910.bio.acexs.au.upf@au48239 practica_7]$ grumos
     This program prepares the drivers  to run GROMOS package
     You have to define the pathway in your directory
     A Protein Data Bank (PDB) file is needed here
     A generic name may be xxxx.pdb or whatever name you want
     The only thing you have to comply with is the format PDB
     Tell me path & file with the structure PDB  :
     NAME  >  /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumosmodel2.pdb
     You have to select the name of a directory where you want to work
     The default option is .../pro-grumos/
     Give me the directory name :     grumos-model2
    mkdir: no se puede crear el directorio `grumos-model2': File exists
          P  R  O  -  G  R  U  M  O  S
      Program to run GROMOS package, made in the
      Institut de Biologia Fonamental (I.B.F.)
      Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona. Spain
      Department of Physical Chemistry
       Uppsala University
      Version : 2.0
      Author: Baldomero Oliva  Nov.1990
      Revised and tested by :  O. TAPIA   Feb.1991
      Last revision: Baldomero Oliva  (Nov. 1993)
    dl jun 2 10:13:32 CEST 2003
      At this point you may be interested in carrying out
      a free energy calculation, or/and dynamic run
      you must define now the files where the restraints are defined
      These files are necessary to run other inputs
      Do you need some more files?  yes/<no> : no
      Do  you want to clean the directory you gave me?  yes/<no> : yes
     Do you really want to clean that directory : grumos-model2 ?  yes/<no> : yes
     Now I am going to copy a set of driver names necessary to set up the run
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driveropt_em /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
     This is the driver to run the optimization
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driveropt_emS /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
     This is the driver to run the optimization of Complex Systems
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driveropt_cem /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driveropt_cemS /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driveropt_cemw /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driveropt_cemi /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriveropt_cem /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriveropt_cemS /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriveropt_cemw /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriveropt_cemi /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriver_cem /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driver_top6 /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
     This are the drivers & programs to continue the
     This is the program to choose the size of the BOX in
     case you want to run a process with water molecules
     This is the program to change the inputs when the size
     of the BOX also change in case you want to run a process
     with water molecules, because then also it can be removed
     the radius of the boundaries and the radius to calculate
     the interaction on the potential
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driveropt_emw /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
     This is the driver to run the optimization of one system
     with water molecules
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driveropt_emi /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
     This is the driver to run the optimization of one system
     with water molecules plus ions
     This program reorganize the pdb file to run PROGROMOS
     This program reorganize the water molecules of the
     crystal as solvent molecules
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriveropt_em /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
     This is the driver to execute the optimization of the
     system without water molecules and solvent simulated
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriveropt_emS /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
     This is the driver to execute the optimization of the
     Complex Systems
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriveropt_emw /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
     This is the driver to execute driveropt_emw
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriveropt_emi /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
     This is the driver to execute driveropt_emi
      I am sorry but I have to continue preparing all the drivers you will need
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/menu_grumos    /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/menu_return /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
     This is the MENU of GRUMOS
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/menu_analyses /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/menu_returan /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
     This is the MENU for the analyses
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driver_top3 /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driver_top5 /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driver_merge /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driver_reducmt /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driver_rmt /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriver_reducmt /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driver_patch /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriver_patch /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driver_unpatch /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriver_unpatch /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
     This are the drivers to run the topology of the system
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driver_md2 /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driver_mdS /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriver_md2 /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriver_mdS /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
     This is the driver to run the DYNAMIC
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driveropt_water /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driver_water /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driveropt_mergewater /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driveropt_mergeion /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driveropt_ion /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driver_ion /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriveropt_water /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriveropt_mergewater /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriveropt_mergeion /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriveropt_ion /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driveropt_water_untop /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driveropt_ion_untop /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriveropt_water_untop /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriveropt_ion_untop /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
     This are the drivers to add the water molecules and
     the ions,  and also to optimize the new coordinates
     of the system
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driver_cmd /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driver_cmdS /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriver_cmd /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriver_cmdS /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
     This are the drivers to continue the dynamic
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/dat/cebador_em /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/exe/cont_md /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp: no se puede abrir `/disc9/grumos93/interface/exe/cont_md' para lectura: Permission denied
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/cont_md2.f /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
     This are the drivers to make the loop to run the
     dynamic and also the optimization
      I am preparing all the drivers you will need
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/changps /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
     This are the programs to make the input of the DYNAMIC
      I am preparing all the drivers you will need
     This are the programs to make the input of the TOPOLOGY
      I am preparing all the drivers you will need
     This are the programs to make the input of the OPTIMIZATION
     This are the the programs to chose the radius of cut-off
     when there are water molecules in our system
      I am preparing all the drivers you will need
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/dat/nada /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/dat/dict37.dat /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/dat/dic37d.dat /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/dat/merge_top.dat /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/dat/make_box.dat /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/dat/spc216.dat /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
     This are the data files for the analyses and the
     dynamic with water molecules.
     The file WATER-EM.DAT_OLD can be fixed to make the
     optimization of the waters and ions when surrounding
     the protein.
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriver_avx /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driver_avx /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriver_transform /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driver_transform /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriver_ajc /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driver_ajc /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriver_ahb /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driver_ahb /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriver_rms /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driver_rms /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriver_momentum /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driver_momentum /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriver_imsdm /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driver_imsdm /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriver_lsq /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/driver_lsq /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
    cp /disc9/grumos93/interface/sh/exedriver_comp /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
         R U N N I N G  the  P R O G R A M
     Now you are invited to answer the questions of the menu_grumos
                   IN YOUR DATA FILE
      Check if the program runs, if it is not then follow
      the next instructions.
      You must include the finalization before to run
      this program.
      Write the oxygen terminal of the protein if it is not.
      Include as a new line the same last one,substituting
      the remark ATOM by TER in your PDB file and restart
      the process again .
     Options :
     <a> =====> Continue
      b  =====> Break
     Options :
    <a> ====>  Create INPUTS
     b  ====>  RUN a process
     c  ====>  ANALYSIS
     d  ====>  NEW SIMULATION
     e  ====>  Logout of this program
     Options of INPUT  :
    <a> ====> TOPOLOGY
     c  ====> DYNAMIC
     d  ====> Go to MENU
     Options :
    <a> =====>   Single System
     b  =====>   Complex System
     c  =====>   Reduce and obtain the formatted topology
     d  =====>   Modify topology
     e  =====>   Go to MENU
                    T O P O L O G Y
       This program read the PDB file. Then, it decides
       if there are disulphide bridges by reading the number
       of SSBOND with the residue CYS ( and not other!
       e.g. CYSH ),it creates a GSF file (old WVG files)
       and the input to run PROGMT.
       The file PDB will be previously rebuilt, in order
       to make the correct numbering of the residues, and
       recalled as :      NAME-OF-PROTEIN.pdbINP
       It will be possible to change the name of the resi-
       dues, but the PDB file will go on having the same
       residue, that means that the only possibility for
       changes will be between names which belong to the
       same residue, for instance :
       1) HISA can be changed into HISB
       2) CYS can be changed into CYS1 or CYS2
       3) GLU and ASP can be changed by GLUH and ASPH
       It will be possible also to remove the prostetic
       groups or other groups which apear in  the crystal,
       as for exemple water molecules and counter ions, and
       these also will be removed when to make the GSF file
       One title will be chosen to define all the stuff in
       this directory. It would be interesting for your
       own profit to write on it the name of the molecule,
       the principal characteristic of the simulation, as
       for instance the use or not of solvent, the radius
       of cut-off and cut-on, the charge in the tails N
       and C terminal, etc., and finally the date of the
       work, but just remind that the title can not be
       longer than 80 characters.
       Finally it will be possible to choose between a si-
       mulation with water molecules as solvent or with the
       so called NIS ( non inertial solvent) model,and also
       will be possible to choose the chemical state of the
       tails depending on the pH.
       In case the simulation with water molecules was selec-
       ted, it will be also possible to choose the ionic
       stength, and this will be obtained by adding sodium
       cloride ions. Depending in the tolerance of the error
       to get the ionic strength it will be made the BOX
       which hold the system, that means , if the tolerance
       is very small then the BOX will increase at the same
       time than the number of ions until the correct point
       will be reached.
                     T I T L E
       Name of PDB file :  grumosmodel2.pdb
                     Aminoacid(  1):  GLY
                     Aminoacid(  2):  ILE
                     Aminoacid(  3):  LYSH
                     Aminoacid(  4):  VAL
                     Aminoacid(  5):  ILE
                     Aminoacid(  6):  LYSH
                     Aminoacid(  7):  ALA
                     Aminoacid(  8):  PRO
                     Aminoacid(  9):  GLU
                     Aminoacid( 10):  MET
                     Aminoacid( 11):  TRP
                     Aminoacid( 12):  ALA
                     Aminoacid( 13):  LYSH
                     Aminoacid( 14):  GLY
                     Aminoacid( 15):  VAL
                     Aminoacid( 16):  LYSH
                     Aminoacid( 17):  GLY
                     Aminoacid( 18):  LYSH
                     Aminoacid( 19):  ASN
                     Aminoacid( 20):  ILE
                     Aminoacid( 21):  LYSH
                     Aminoacid( 22):  VAL
                     Aminoacid( 23):  ALA
                     Aminoacid( 24):  VAL
                     Aminoacid( 25):  LEU
                     Aminoacid( 26):  ASP
                     Aminoacid( 27):  THR
                     Aminoacid( 28):  GLY
                     Aminoacid( 29):  CYSH
                     Aminoacid( 30):  ASP
                     Aminoacid( 31):  THR
                     Aminoacid( 32):  SER
                     Aminoacid( 33):  HISA
                     Aminoacid( 34):  PRO
                     Aminoacid( 35):  ASP
                     Aminoacid( 36):  LEU
                     Aminoacid( 37):  LYSH
                     Aminoacid( 38):  ASN
                     Aminoacid( 39):  GLN
                     Aminoacid( 40):  ILE
                     Aminoacid( 41):  ILE
                     Aminoacid( 42):  GLY
                     Aminoacid( 43):  GLY
                     Aminoacid( 44):  LYSH
                     Aminoacid( 45):  ASN
                     Aminoacid( 46):  PHE
                     Aminoacid( 47):  THR
                     Aminoacid( 48):  ASP
                     Aminoacid( 49):  ASP
                     Aminoacid( 50):  ASP
                     Aminoacid( 51):  GLY
                     Aminoacid( 52):  GLY
                     Aminoacid( 53):  LYSH
                     Aminoacid( 54):  GLU
                     Aminoacid( 55):  ASP
                     Aminoacid( 56):  ALA
                     Aminoacid( 57):  ILE
                     Aminoacid( 58):  SER
                     Aminoacid( 59):  ASP
                     Aminoacid( 60):  TYR
                     Aminoacid( 61):  ASN
                     Aminoacid( 62):  GLY
                     Aminoacid( 63):  HISA
                     Aminoacid( 64):  GLY
                     Aminoacid( 65):  THR
                     Aminoacid( 66):  HISA
                     Aminoacid( 67):  VAL
                     Aminoacid( 68):  ALA
                     Aminoacid( 69):  GLY
                     Aminoacid( 70):  THR
                     Aminoacid( 71):  ILE
                     Aminoacid( 72):  ALA
                     Aminoacid( 73):  ALA
                     Aminoacid( 74):  ASN
                     Aminoacid( 75):  ASP
                     Aminoacid( 76):  SER
                     Aminoacid( 77):  ASN
                     Aminoacid( 78):  GLY
                     Aminoacid( 79):  GLY
                     Aminoacid( 80):  ILE
                     Aminoacid( 81):  ALA
                     Aminoacid( 82):  GLY
                     Aminoacid( 83):  VAL
                     Aminoacid( 84):  ALA
                     Aminoacid( 85):  PRO
                     Aminoacid( 86):  GLU
                     Aminoacid( 87):  ALA
                     Aminoacid( 88):  SER
                     Aminoacid( 89):  LEU
                     Aminoacid( 90):  LEU
                     Aminoacid( 91):  ILE
                     Aminoacid( 92):  VAL
                     Aminoacid( 93):  LYSH
                     Aminoacid( 94):  VAL
                     Aminoacid( 95):  LEU
                     Aminoacid( 96):  GLY
                     Aminoacid( 97):  GLY
                     Aminoacid( 98):  GLU
                     Aminoacid( 99):  ASN
                     Aminoacid(100):  GLY
                     Aminoacid(101):  SER
                     Aminoacid(102):  GLY
                     Aminoacid(103):  GLN
                     Aminoacid(104):  TYR
                     Aminoacid(105):  GLU
                     Aminoacid(106):  TRP
                     Aminoacid(107):  ILE
                     Aminoacid(108):  ILE
                     Aminoacid(109):  ASN
                     Aminoacid(110):  GLY
                     Aminoacid(111):  ILE
                     Aminoacid(112):  ASN
                     Aminoacid(113):  TYR
                     Aminoacid(114):  ALA
                     Aminoacid(115):  VAL
                     Aminoacid(116):  GLU
                     Aminoacid(117):  GLN
                     Aminoacid(118):  LYSH
                     Aminoacid(119):  VAL
                     Aminoacid(120):  ASP
                     Aminoacid(121):  ILE
                     Aminoacid(122):  ILE
                     Aminoacid(123):  SER
                     Aminoacid(124):  MET
                     Aminoacid(125):  SER
                     Aminoacid(126):  LEU
                     Aminoacid(127):  GLY
                     Aminoacid(128):  GLY
                     Aminoacid(129):  PRO
                     Aminoacid(130):  SER
                     Aminoacid(131):  ASP
                     Aminoacid(132):  VAL
                     Aminoacid(133):  PRO
                     Aminoacid(134):  GLU
                     Aminoacid(135):  LEU
                     Aminoacid(136):  LYSH
                     Aminoacid(137):  GLU
                     Aminoacid(138):  ALA
                     Aminoacid(139):  VAL
                     Aminoacid(140):  LYSH
                     Aminoacid(141):  ASN
                     Aminoacid(142):  ALA
                     Aminoacid(143):  VAL
                     Aminoacid(144):  LYSH
                     Aminoacid(145):  ASN
                     Aminoacid(146):  GLY
                     Aminoacid(147):  VAL
                     Aminoacid(148):  LEU
                     Aminoacid(149):  VAL
                     Aminoacid(150):  VAL
                     Aminoacid(151):  CYSH
                     Aminoacid(152):  ALA
                     Aminoacid(153):  ALA
                     Aminoacid(154):  GLY
                     Aminoacid(155):  ASN
                     Aminoacid(156):  GLU
                     Aminoacid(157):  GLY
                     Aminoacid(158):  ASP
                     Aminoacid(159):  GLY
                     Aminoacid(160):  ASP
                     Aminoacid(161):  GLU
                     Aminoacid(162):  ARG
                     Aminoacid(163):  THR
                     Aminoacid(164):  GLU
                     Aminoacid(165):  GLU
                     Aminoacid(166):  LEU
                     Aminoacid(167):  SER
                     Aminoacid(168):  TYR
                     Aminoacid(169):  PRO
                     Aminoacid(170):  ALA
                     Aminoacid(171):  ALA
                     Aminoacid(172):  TYR
                     Aminoacid(173):  ASN
                     Aminoacid(174):  GLU
                     Aminoacid(175):  VAL
                     Aminoacid(176):  ILE
                     Aminoacid(177):  ALA
                     Aminoacid(178):  VAL
                     Aminoacid(179):  GLY
                     Aminoacid(180):  SER
                     Aminoacid(181):  VAL
                     Aminoacid(182):  SER
                     Aminoacid(183):  VAL
                     Aminoacid(184):  ALA
                     Aminoacid(185):  ARG
                     Aminoacid(186):  GLU
                     Aminoacid(187):  LEU
                     Aminoacid(188):  SER
                     Aminoacid(189):  GLU
                     Aminoacid(190):  PHE
                     Aminoacid(191):  SER
                     Aminoacid(192):  ASN
                     Aminoacid(193):  ALA
                     Aminoacid(194):  ASN
                     Aminoacid(195):  LYSH
                     Aminoacid(196):  GLU
                     Aminoacid(197):  ILE
                     Aminoacid(198):  ASP
                     Aminoacid(199):  LEU
                     Aminoacid(200):  VAL
                     Aminoacid(201):  ALA
                     Aminoacid(202):  PRO
                     Aminoacid(203):  GLY
                     Aminoacid(204):  GLU
                     Aminoacid(205):  ASN
                     Aminoacid(206):  ILE
                     Aminoacid(207):  LEU
                     Aminoacid(208):  SER
                     Aminoacid(209):  THR
                     Aminoacid(210):  LEU
                     Aminoacid(211):  PRO
                     Aminoacid(212):  ASN
                     Aminoacid(213):  LYSH
                     Aminoacid(214):  LYSH
                     Aminoacid(215):  TYR
                     Aminoacid(216):  GLY
                     Aminoacid(217):  LYSH
                     Aminoacid(218):  LEU
                     Aminoacid(219):  THR
                     Aminoacid(220):  GLY
                     Aminoacid(221):  THR
                     Aminoacid(222):  SER
                     Aminoacid(223):  MET
                     Aminoacid(224):  ALA
                     Aminoacid(225):  ALA
                     Aminoacid(226):  PRO
                     Aminoacid(227):  HISA
                     Aminoacid(228):  VAL
                     Aminoacid(229):  SER
                     Aminoacid(230):  GLY
                     Aminoacid(231):  ALA
                     Aminoacid(232):  LEU
                     Aminoacid(233):  ALA
                     Aminoacid(234):  LEU
                     Aminoacid(235):  ILE
                     Aminoacid(236):  LYSH
                     Aminoacid(237):  SER
                     Aminoacid(238):  TYR
                     Aminoacid(239):  GLU
                     Aminoacid(240):  GLU
                     Aminoacid(241):  GLU
                     Aminoacid(242):  SER
                     Aminoacid(243):  PHE
                     Aminoacid(244):  GLN
                     Aminoacid(245):  ARG
                     Aminoacid(246):  LYSH
                     Aminoacid(247):  LEU
                     Aminoacid(248):  SER
                     Aminoacid(249):  GLU
                     Aminoacid(250):  SER
                     Aminoacid(251):  GLU
                     Aminoacid(252):  VAL
                     Aminoacid(253):  PHE
                     Aminoacid(254):  ALA
                     Aminoacid(255):  GLN
                     Aminoacid(256):  LEU
                     Aminoacid(257):  ILE
                     Aminoacid(258):  ARG
                     Aminoacid(259):  ARG
       Number of aA in the chain:    259
       Do you want change the name of some residue,         YES/<NO> : NO
      CYS residues list :
       Residue CYS :    29
       Residue CYS :   151
      You must call CYS1-CYS2 the residues with the bond
       Are there disulphide bridges? YES/<NO> :   NO
       Do you want change the name of some residue,         YES/<NO> : NO
                    <1>  Non inertial solvent, NIS model
                     2   Explicit WATER SPC simulation
                     3   Explicit WATER SPC/E simulation
                     4   Charged Force Field in vacuum
       Value:  1
                    <1>  Head NH3 and Tail COO  ==>  6 ( pH )  8
                     2   Head NH3 and Tail COOH ==>  0 ( pH )  2
                     3   Head NH2 and Tail COO  ==> 12 ( pH ) 14
                     4   Head NH2 and Tail COOH ==> Specific cases
       Value:  1
     Options :
    <a> ====>  Create INPUTS
     b  ====>  RUN a process
     c  ====>  ANALYSIS
     d  ====>  NEW SIMULATION
     e  ====>  Logout of this program
     Options to RUN :
     <a> ====> TOPOLOGY
      c  ====> DYNAMIC
      d  ====> Go to MENU
     Options :
    <a>   =====>   Single System
     b    =====>   Complex System
     c    =====>   Reduce and obtain the formatted topology
     d    =====>   Modify topology
     e    =====>   Transform formated to binary topology
     f    =====>   Modify the water BOX
     g    =====>   Add water molecules to the optimized solute
     h    =====>   Add counter ions to the solvated solute
     i    =====>   Go to MENU
     Directory where is the work :  
     Running the topology without ions
    rm: no se puede borrar `fort.10': No such file or directory
    rm: no se puede borrar `fort.11': No such file or directory
    rm: no se puede borrar `fort.12': No such file or directory
    rm: no se puede borrar `fort.9': No such file or directory
     NAEX14: 4069
         NATOM     NCAG     NAEX  NAEX1-4    NBONH     NBON    NTHEH     NTHE
          2403     1464     6332     4069      491     1939      912     2623
          NQHIH     NQHI    NPHIH     NPHI     NRPD     NRPA
           400      765       91     1230        0        0
     The topology is ready
     Including polar Hydrogens
     3.  A T O M   C O O R D I N A T E S   :
     Options :
    <a> ====>  Create INPUTS
     b  ====>  RUN a process
     c  ====>  ANALYSIS
     d  ====>  NEW SIMULATION
     e  ====>  Logout of this program
     Options of INPUT  :
    <a> ====> TOPOLOGY
     c  ====> DYNAMIC
     d  ====> Go to MENU
     Have you run the TOPOLOGY program ? no/<yes> yes
     Options :
    <a>   =====>   Single System
     b    =====>   Complex System
                   O P T I M I Z A T I O N
       The optimization can be done by one of three
       different geometry methods :
          Steepest Descent
          Conjugate Gradient
          Both methods used alternatively
       The program PROEM will be run several times, and
       also this will be chosen.
       Each run involve several steps, and each step
       involves a value called LAMBDA to obtain a new
       set of coordinates. It will be necessary to define
       the maximum value of LAMBDA and the first value to
       start the optimization.
       The number of steps geting a new set of coordinates
       will be also chosen for each run.
       In case the method of Conjugate Gradient was chosen,
       it will be necessary to especify how many times the
       energy gradient in the step must be modified
                    <1>   Conjugate Gradient & Steepest Descent
                     2    Steepest Descent
                     3    Conjugate Gradient
       Value:  2
       Number of steps in each run: 1000
       How many times the optimization must be run?       : 10
       First value of Lambda (parameter)  <0.05> :
       Maximum value of Lambda (parameter)<0.10> :
       Select now SHAKE options
       If you use SHAKE we suggest you to select
       bond-stretchings only. Bond angle and
       dihedrals are usually left free. OPTIONS:
       NO SHAKE
       Only the bonds which involve hydrogen atoms
       will be constrained :
       Constraints in IBH-JBH
       All the bonds are constrained
      (SHAKE) In addition IB-JB
       Finally is is also possible to choose if the
       bonds are constrained to the distance in the
       first set of coordinates :
       Length  =   CONSTR
       Or by the distance defined by the TOPOLOGY :
       Length  =   BO
          <1> SHAKE is not used
           2 Constraints from IBH-JBH,length=BO
           3 Constraints from IBH-JBH,length from CONSTR
           4 In adition from IB-JB,length=BO
           5 In adition from IB-JB,length from CONSTR
       Value :  1
       The calcul of the electric energy and
       Van der Waals energy can be made by three
       different methods :
       By scanning, which means that each step
       is calculated all the possible interactions
       between atoms pairs inside a further especified
       By interaction of previous selected atoms pairs
       inside a further especified radius.   In this
       case it will be necessary to make a list of the
       atoms inside such a distance,  this list will
       be made by the same program,  but after several
       steps it will change. The program will ask for
       the number of steps to do it.
       By interaction of previous selected groups pairs
       inside a further especified radius.    In this
       case will be necessary to make a list of the
       atoms inside such a distance,  this list will
       be made by the same program,  but after several
       steps it will change. The program will ask for
       the number of steps to do it. And the groups are
       already defined by the topology program.
       <1> By interaction between groups pair
        2  By interaction between atoms pair
        3  By scanning
        4  By grid cells
       Value :  1
       After how many steps the list change <10> :
       The program will ask now for the radius value
       of cut-off & cut-on, RCUTL>RCUTP, as though
       as the radius values for the switching function.
       You can see :
         Effects of Truncating Long Range Forces on
         Protein Dynamics
         Loncharich ,R.J. &  Brooks ,B.R.
         Division of Computer Research & Technology
         National Institutes of Health (Bethesda)
         PROTEINS (1989) 6 , pp 32-45
         Cut-off size does strongly influence Molecular
         Dynamics results on solvated polypeptides
         Schreiber,H.  &  Steinhauser, O.
         BIOCHEMISTRY (1991) 31 , pp 5856-5860
       Value of RCUTP <0.8 nm> :
       Value of RSWI2 <10.0 nm> :
       Value of RCUI2 <10.0 nm> :
       Value of RCUTL <1.3 nm> :
       Sequence radius to calculate the interaction: 99999
       At this point it will be possible to choose
       the shape and also the size of the BOX.
       Inside of this BOX the protein and molecules
       surrounding  will remain defined using the
       BOUNDARY CONDITIONS algorithm .
                    <1>  No periodicity is taked into account
                     2   Octahedric BOX,BETA=90
                     3   Rombohedric BOX, chose BETA
       Value :  1
      At this point the program will ask for the different
      It will be necessary to especify the name of the file
      which has the atoms to restrain. In that case these
      must have been alocated in the working directory either
      from the beginning or before you run the program.
      The next questions will be related with the strength
      of the constraints and the distance between atoms,
      and to understand this questions read the
      GROMOS manual before.
       <1>  No position restraining
        2  Position restraining using CHO
        3  Idem using CHO/atomic B-factors
        Value :  1
       <1>  No distance restraining
        2  Distance restraining using CDIS
        3  Idem using CDIS*weight factors
        Value :  1
       <1>  No dihedral restraining
        2  Restraining using CDLR*weight factors
        Value :  1
       Print energy every n-steps, n=: 100
    <a> ====>  Create INPUTS
     b  ====>  RUN a process
     c  ====>  ANALYSIS
     d  ====>  NEW SIMULATION
     e  ====>  Logout of this program
     Options to RUN:
     <a> ====> TOPOLOGY
      c  ====> DYNAMIC
      d  ====> Go to MENU
    <a> ====>       Single System
     b  ====>       Complex System
     Have you run the TOPOLOGY program ? no/<yes> yes
     Have you made the DYNAMIC input ? no/<yes> no
     In this case you will have some errors, but the
     the program will run perfectly well.
     Do you want continue with the optimization ? no/<yes> yes
     Options  :
     <a> ====> Start the optimization
      b  ====> Continue the optimization
      c  ====> Optimize the water box
      d  ====> Optimize the counter-ions
      e  ====> Go to menu
     Directory where is the work :  /disc9/BE/e14910/practica_7/grumos-model2
     Running a NIS simulation .
     You will found the information about errors in file.err
    cp: no se puede efectuar `stat' sobre `.grumosmodel2_md.dat_old': No such file or directory
    cp: no se puede efectuar `stat' sobre `.grumosmodel2_md.cdat_old': No such file or directory
     Options :
    <a> ====>  Create INPUTS
     b  ====>  RUN a process
     c  ====>  ANALYSIS
     d  ====>  NEW SIMULATION
     e  ====>  Logout of this program

    Com hem pogut veure en el transcurs de l´execuxció del programa, els passos que hem seguit:

    1. Crear inputs per després córrer Topology.
    2. Córrer Topology amb les condicions: sistema simple, sense ponts S-S, sense solvent inert, amb cues als extrems (NH3 i COO-).
    3. Crear inputs per a després córrer Energy Optimitzation.
    4. Córrer Energy Optimitzation amb les condicions: sistema simple, steepest descent (descens cap al mínim de forma molt pronunciada), correrem el programa 10 cops en 1000 passos i n´imprimirem els valors cada 100 resultats, sense constricció dels àtoms (només contempla la constricció dels àtoms d´H), interacció entre grups de parells, sense periodicitat i sense optimització per diedres...


    Els resultats obtinguts per al grumosmodel2.pdb, han estat els següents:

    [e14910.bio.acexs.au.upf@au491 practica_7]$ cd grumos-model2
    [e14910.bio.acexs.au.upf@au491 grumos-model2]$ ls
    total 3048
       4 coordinates/     336 grumosmodel2_top.bin         20 outgrumosmodel2_emnum004.lis 
       4 energies/         92 grumosmodel2.wvg             20 outgrumosmodel2_emnum005.lis   
       4 file.err         132 inicial.gsf                  20 outgrumosmodel2_emnum006.lis    
       4 file.errpdb       24 outgrumosmodel2_emnum001.lis 20 outgrumosmodel2_emnum007.lis
     132 grumosmodel2.hwvg 20 outgrumosmodel2_emnum002.lis 20 outgrumosmodel2_emnum008.lis
     108 grumosmodel2.pdb  20 outgrumosmodel2_emnum003.lis 20 outgrumosmodel2_emnum009.lis
    	               20 outgrumosmodel2_emnum010.lis 2024 outgrumosmodel2_top.lis	
    							4 outgrumosmodel2_h.lis
    [e14910.bio.acexs.au.upf@au491 grumos-model2]$

    El que ens interessa observar d'aquests arxius de sortida, és si realment l'energia del sistema original ha disminuit (l'estructura s'ha relaxat i es troba en una conformació més estable).

    Per a comprovar-ho cal observar el primer dels outputs generats (outgrumosmodel2_emnum001.lis) i l'últim (outgrumosmodel2_emnum010.lis), i comprovar si el valor de l'energia potencial total ha passat d'un valor positiu a un valor negatiu:

    3.  A T O M I C   C O O R D I N A T E S   :
     Subrutina runem
     Subrutina Force
     NJNB= 49518NTN= 2
          E-POT-TOT   E-BOND-H     E-BOND  E-ANGLE-H  [...]       
        E-EL-G1-G1 E-EL-G1-G2 E-EL-G2-G2 E-EL-G1-G3 E-EL-G2-G3 E-EL-G3-G3 E-EL-G1-G4 [...]
       E-LJ-G1-G1 E-LJ-G1-G2 E-LJ-G2-G2 E-LJ-G1-G3 E-LJ-G2-G3 E-LJ-G3-G3 E-LJ-G1-G4 [...]
     E-DIS-R.   E-POS-R.   E-DIH-R.
          0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0 0.5000E-01 [...]
         0.13951E+05 0.1534E+02 0.1812E+04 0.4809E+03 [...] 
       -0.4697E+04 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 [...]
       0.3951E+04 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 [...]
      0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.6815-269
    STEP NIP1 NIS1 NIP2 NIS2 NIP3 NIS3 NITI STEP-SIZE [...] E-POT-TOT E-BOND-H E-BOND E-ANGLE-H [...] E-EL-G1-G1 E-EL-G1-G2 E-EL-G2-G2 E-EL-G1-G3 E-EL-G2-G3 E-EL-G3-G3 E-EL-G1-G4 [...] E-LJ-G1-G1 E-LJ-G1-G2 E-LJ-G2-G2 E-LJ-G1-G3 E-LJ-G2-G3 E-LJ-G3-G3 E-LJ-G1-G4 [...] E-DIS-R. E-POS-R. E-DIH-R. 1000 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3273E-03 [...] -0.15142E+05 0.1990E+02 0.1859E+03 0.1911E+03 [...] -0.8314E+04 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 [...] -0.9897E+04 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 [...] 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.6815-269

    ... i ara visualitzem els arxius continguts en el directori coordinates:

    [e14910.bio.acexs.au.upf@au491 grumos-model2]$ cd coordinates/
    [e14910.bio.acexs.au.upf@au491 coordinates]$ ls
    total 5672
       4 anglen.log                  112 grumosmodel2xemnum006.gsf	     160 modelopt2.out       
       4 bplot.log                   112 grumosmodel2xemnum007.gsf       196 modelopt2.pdb
       4 clean.log                   112 grumosmodel2xemnum008.gsf	      28 modelopt2.pln
     108 grumosmodel2.pdb            112 grumosmodel2xemnum009.gsf	      36 modelopt2.rin
     112 grumosmodel2xemnum001.gsf   112 grumosmodel2xemnum010.gsf         4 modelopt2.sco
     112 grumosmodel2xemnum002.gsf   112 grumosmodel2xvmd0000.gsf         28 modelopt2.sdh
     112 grumosmodel2xemnum003.gsf   112 modelopt2.lan                    32 nb.log
     112 grumosmodel2xemnum004.gsf    76 modelopt2.nb		       4 pplot.log
     112 grumosmodel2xemnum005.gsf   180 modelopt2.new		       4 secstr.log
    								       4 tplot.log
    [e14910.bio.acexs.au.upf@au491 coordinates]$

    Per tal de comparar el meu model i el model optimitzat, correré el programa XAM de superposició estructural. Els arxius d'entrada per al programa són: grumosmodel2.pdb i grumosmodel2xvmd0010.gsf.

    La sortida del programa genera els següents arxius de sortida:

    1. un valor de RMSD (xammodelsgrumos2)
    2. una estructura (xammodelsgrumos2.pdb)

    Com es pot observar a partir de la imatge de les dues estructures superposades, ambdós models són força similars excepte en les regions dels loops: un cop més dir que aquestes regions són força variables.

    I finalment per a veure com de millor és el model optimitzat respecte l'original, correrem la comanda de procheck:

    Summary Summary

    Tot i que en fer el procheck el model optimitzat hauria de sortir millor, en aquest cas no ha estat així. De totes maneres el model optimitzat té una energia menor que l'original (com a resultat de l'optimització) i per tant em de creure que és un model millorat.