Extending signalling pathways with protein-interaction networks. Application to apoptosis.

Extending signalling pathways with protein-interaction networks. Application to apoptosis.
Joan Planas-Iglesias, Emre Guney, Javier Garcia-Garcia, Kevin A. Robertson, Sobia Raza, Tom C. Freeman, Peter Ghazal and Baldo Oliva.
OMICS. 2012 May;16(5):245-56. Epub 2012 Mar 2. (PMID: 22385281)

Supplementary materials for "Extending signalling pathways with protein-interaction networks. Application to apoptosis."

Supplementary figure 1

ROC curves of five-fold cross-validation in Experimental and STRING+ expanded networks. (A) and PPV curves (B) for ALD (red), iALD (blue), FF (green) and SC (orange). Inner graphs in (A) show the detail of the ROC curves for the lowest values of FPR.

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