Extending signalling pathways with protein-interaction networks. Application to apoptosis.

Extending signalling pathways with protein-interaction networks. Application to apoptosis.
Joan Planas-Iglesias, Emre Guney, Javier Garcia-Garcia, Kevin A. Robertson, Sobia Raza, Tom C. Freeman, Peter Ghazal and Baldo Oliva.
OMICS. 2012 May;16(5):245-56. Epub 2012 Mar 2. (PMID: 22385281)

Supplementary materials for "Extending signalling pathways with protein-interaction networks. Application to apoptosis."

Supplementary table 2

Table S2. Number of selected candidates with specific keyword function. Candidates are selected according to the best combination of approaches for each network (experimental, STRING+ and their expansions)*. Second row identifies the functions of the candidates: kinases (K), phosphatases (P), non-phosphor signalling (S) or other functions (O).

Network Experimental STRING+ Experimental expansion STRING+ expansion
a b
Functions K P S O K P S O K P S O K P S O K P S O
Number of candidates 13 3 10 90 48 5 21 155 49 8 19 218 47 5 16 225 63 1 13 194
* *Note: Best combinations are iALD and ALD for Experimental network; ALD, iALD, and FF for STRING+; FF and ALD for Experimental expanded network; and FF, and iALDa (or SCb) for STRING+ expanded network (iALD when using KeyWord validation, shown in columns a, and SC when using ProMiner validation, in b)
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