Extending signalling pathways with protein-interaction networks. Application to apoptosis.

Extending signalling pathways with protein-interaction networks. Application to apoptosis.
Joan Planas-Iglesias, Emre Guney, Javier Garcia-Garcia, Kevin A. Robertson, Sobia Raza, Tom C. Freeman, Peter Ghazal and Baldo Oliva.
OMICS. 2012 May;16(5):245-56. Epub 2012 Mar 2. (PMID: 22385281)

Supplementary materials for "Extending signalling pathways with protein-interaction networks. Application to apoptosis."

Supplementary table 5

Table S5. Comparison of methods by ROC. Approaches (ALD, iALD, FF and SC) are compared for networks Experimental and STRING+ (ideintified in two upper tables as "No Expansion"). The same comparison is done with the expanded networks in the two bottom tables. Self comparisons are neglected in the diagonal of each table. Cells in the upper-right side of each table indicate the difference of AUC between two apporaches. Cells in teh lower-left side of the table show the significance of the corresponding difference of AUC (indicated with the p-Value as calculated with StAR). Significant differences are highlighted in bold face.

Experimental STRING+
No Expansion ALD - 0.2323 0.0041 - 0.0269 0.0465 0.0236
iALD 0.0003 - 0.2283 0.5597 - 0.0196 0.0505
FF 0.9631 0.0005 - 0.4821 0.7995 - 0.0701
SC - - - 0.7027 0.4364 0.3257 -
Expansion ALD - 0.3602 0.2815 - 0.2543 0.3257 0.1132
iALD 0.0001 - 0.0786 0.0012 - 0.0714 0.141
FF 0.0048 0.4035 - 0.007 0.4035 - 0.2125
SC - - - 0.2555 0.1703 0.0134 -
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