Undergraduated students projects (2023-2024)
Structure of Biomolecules and their complexes (BE08)
Undergraduated students projects (2021-2022)
Structure of Biomolecules and their complexes (BE08)
Undergraduated students projects (2020-2021)
Structure of Biomolecules and their complexes (BE08)
Undergraduated students projects (2019-2020)
Structure of Biomolecules and their complexes (BE08)
Undergraduated students projects (2018-2019)
Structure of Biomolecules and their complexes (BE08)
Undergraduated students projects (2017-2018)
Structure of Biomolecules and their complexes (BE08)
Undergraduated students projects (2016-2017)
Structure of Biomolecules and their complexes (BE08)
Undergraduated students projects (2015-2016)
Structure of Biomolecules and their complexes (BE08)
Undergraduated students projects (2014-2015)
Structure of Biomolecules and their complexes (BE08)
Undergraduated students projects (2013-2014)
Structure of Biomolecules and their complexes (BE08)
Undergraduated students projects (2012-2013)
Structure of Biomolecules and their complexes (BE08)
Undergraduated students projects (2011-2012)
Structure of Biomolecules and their complexes (BE08)
Undergraduated students projects (2010-2011)
Case study: TGN1412
Group A - [PPT file].
Group B - Marcel Costa García, Clara Domingo García, Alba Girbau Canet, Marta Inglés Ferrándiz, Carlos Pardo Pastor, Karen Roqueta Capilla, Marc Sitges Puy and Neus Solé Morata [PPT file].
Group C - A. Antolin, J. P. Cebrià-Costa, L. Domènech, G. Febas, M. Ferrer, J. Pallarès, I. Pazos, A. Peña, U. Rey and M. Rigau [PPT file].
Group D - [PPT file].
Group E - [PPT file].
Group F - Laura Cervera, Georgina Izaguerri, Júlia López, Enric Mestres, Anselm Morell, Joan Ribó and Rocío Saravia [PPT file].
Undergraduated students projects (2009-2010)
Case study: TGN1412
Group A - [PPT file].
Group B - M. Calvo, M. Carbonell, I. de Mena, G. Galán, L. Navas, J. Ruiz, J. Vall, E. Vicario and C. Vilella [PPT file].
Group C - [PPT file].
Group D - R. Balada, M. Bañó, A. Batet, M. Bombardó, A. Bruch, J. Curto, M. Federico, A. Ferrer, F. Obispo, G. Ricart and S. Sayols [PPT file].
Group E - H. Arumí, M. Ballestero, C. Borralleras, M. Codina, A. Domènech, N. Español, M. Guixé, M. Joyera, M. Moscoso and M. Suárez [PPT file].
Undergraduated students projects (2008-2009)
Case study: TGN1412
Group A - [PPT file].
Group B - [PPT file].
Group C - L. Abelló, M. Alemany, L. Angelats, E. Armenteros, A. Ayneto, R. Balcells, M. Pino, V. Rodríguez, A. Sala and M. Solozábal [PPT file].
Group D - Patricia Arreba, Marta Delgado, Oriol Dols, Alexandra Domingo, Ana González, Erika López, Raquel Muñoz, Enric Navas, Estel Ramos and Pau Sánchez [PPT file].
Group E - A. Carrasco, M. Colom, E. Cornes, G. Frigola, F. Madriles, A. Martínez, M. Orta, E. Palomer, C. Ruiz and A. Villacampa [PPT file].
Group F - [PPT file].
Undergraduated students projects (2007-2008)
Case study: TGN1412
Group A - Anna Àlvarez, Marc Batlló, Olalla Bueno, Anna Burgués, Amado Carreras, Mercè Guzmán, Alba Millanes and Joan Romaní [PPT file].
Group B - Joan Arús San Segundo, Gladys Barrera Castillo, Mònica Bosch Morató, Anabel Fernández Mariño, Laura Gámez Santín, Marina Marcet Ortega, Laura Rabinad Lizano and Heleia Roca Ho [PPT file].
Group C - Raquel Fernández, Anna Godo, Joaquín Liso, Alba López, Guillem Malet, Natalia Osorio, Laia Richart, Helena Silva and Laia Vives [PPT file].
Group D - D. Bergerat, A. Delgado, M. Fernandez, M. Moreno, V. Rico, S. Ruiz, M. Sió, I. Subirana, E. Tirado and X. Villalobos [PPT file].
Group E - Clara Conill, Estel Enreig, Albert Gil, Carlos González, Jordina Guillén, Núria Martínez, Mònica Mercadé, Mireia Sans and Meritxell Vinyoles [PPT file].
Group F - E. Aparicio, A. Esteve, N. Fandos, V. Gómez, N. Lahuerta, A. Llopis, A. Moros, M. Rocasalbas, P. Rovira, A. Ruiz and I. Titos [PPT file].
Undergraduated students projects (2006-2007)
Actin and myosin - Maria de Acha, Arnau Busquets and Alexandra Domingo [PPT file].
Nucleosome architecture - L. Llorens, N. Pérez, L. Planas, L. Pibernat and A. Vega [PPT file].
Viral capsides - Maria Bernabeu, Patricia Carulla, Mireia Chamizo, Meritxell Estrada and Alba Macip [PDF file].
CDK-cyclin complex - A. Macià, P. Margalef, O. Morales and S. Najas [PPT file].
DNA polymerases - C. del Barrio, L. Embún, B. García, G. Miró, R. Pinacho and D. S. Rivera [PPT file].
G proteins - D. Arias, A. Nadal, L. Selva, A. Sesé and A. Vidal [PPT file].
Proteosome - Cristina Gómez, Manuel Gómez, Anna González and Sonia Laguna [PDF file].
Serin proteases - Alba Bach Faig, Luis Benjumea de Paz, Anna Caballé Ibáñez, Marta Carboneras Girgas and Laura Cutando Ruiz [PPT file].
Ribosome: 50S subunit - Anna Abulí, Laia Bassaganyas, Gerard Plaza, Montserrat Puig and Núria Radó [PPT file].
Transcription factors - Maria Segura, Xavier Serra, Gemma Soldevilla and Xavier Viñals [PPT file].
Undergraduated students projects (2005-2006)
Actin and myosin - Marta Fort, Pablo Martínez, Cristina Muntaner and Diana Reyes [PPT file][video (required by PPT)].
ATP synthase complex - Dídac Batlle, Gerard Cantero, Francesc Galban and Lluís Millán [PPT file].
Exosome - Esther Collado, María de las Heras, Oihana Iriondo and Amaia Múgica [PPT file].
Ferredoxin - Helena Abarca, Miriam Ejarque, Ester García and Anna Lluís [PPT file].
Flavodoxin-like domain - Lorena Gómez, Carolina Nuñez, Lourdes Sánchez Cid and Carole Bernard [PPT file].
Microtubules (nexin, dinein, kinein...) - Libe-Ane Amorrortu, Miriam Baeta, Mariona Casals, Rosa Suades and Mª Teresa Rodríguez [PPT file].
Notch (ternary complex with CBS) - Beatriz Antolín, Alba Diz, Laia Morató and Anna Morancho [PPT file].
PDZ domains - Irene Mademon, Clara Panosa, Clara Serra, Eva Torner and Irene Valenzuela [PPT file].
Peroxidases (monoaminooxidase, citochrome oxidase, catalase and glutation oxidase) - Núria Badia, Clara Ballesté, Susanna Camós and Núria Conde [PPT file].
RAD51 assembly - Pau Creixell, Jesús Pujol, Eva Ramos and Ester de Trinchería [PPT file].
SH2 and SH3 domains - Alba González, Xavi Fernández, Alba Jené and Macarena Toll [PPT file].
Virus capsides - Marta Garcia, Miriam Martí, Helena Rios and Bea Souto [PPT file].
WW domains - Laura Guerrero, Ainhoa Plaza, Nira Suárez and Rosa Turbau [PPT file].
Undergraduated students projects (2004-2005)
Ab initio fold prediction - Guillem Bruguera, Alícia Moya and Esther Peña [PDF file].
Carboxipeptidases and inhibitors - Empar Crespo, Sílvia Fernàdez, Fernando Marqués, Núria Murtra and Eva Pla [PDF file].
Coagulation factors - Laia Fernández, Ana Galván, Montse Grau and Luz Martínez [PDF file].
Growth factors - Adrián Alcalá San Martín, Alba Dalmases Massegú, Jetzabel García Parra, Alex Gómez Garrido, Enric Gutiérrez Martínez and Alba Vidal Torres [PDF file].
Transcription factors - Pol Padrell, Paula Serna, Tània Vidal and Beñat Zubelzu [PDF file].
Gluconases and glucohidrolases - Carla Rioja, Cristina Sanabra, Raquel Solergastó and Rebecca Vicente [PDF file].
Lipases - Mireia Berdiel, Mireia Esteve, Núria Gresa, Maria del Mar Mallo and Núria Ramos [PDF file].
MAPKs (mitogen activated protein kinases) - Anna Arnal, Nicolás Herranz, Eva Mercé, Emma Puighermanal and Sergi Regot [PDF file].
NFAT proteins - Maria Castanyer Sardà, Oriol Fornés Crespo, Marta Lloret Llinares, Urko Martínez Marigorta and Ixabel Mendizabal Ezeizabarrena [PDF file].
The proteasome - Teresa Botta Orfila, Laura Rodón Ahnert, Laia Rosich Moya and Rosa M. Surià Albà [PDF file].
Telomers and telomerase - Jesús Bertran, Raquel Clivillé, Marta Massanella, Ingrid Pallàs and Miriam Sánchez [PDF file].
Ubiquitination system - Cristina Romera, Marta Sallés, Marina Selga and Sergio Trillo [PDF file].
Undergraduated students projects (2003-2004)
Transcription factors - Marta Arcabell, Dora Cano, Blanca Puchau and Verónica Rodilla.
Chaperones - Anaís Estrada, Edurne Gallastegui, Mercè Garí, Marta Guerra and Jordi Milà.
Rhodopsin - Laia Font, Mireia Gimeno, Maria Larroy, Paola Paoletti and Laura Vicente [PDF file][PPT file].
Cyclin-dependent kinases - Yolanda Acosta, Naiara Aquizu, Elisabeth Castellanos, Ana Corrionero and Maria Ruiz.
Nuclear magnetic resonance - Míriam Onrubia, Laura Plaza and Patricia Resa [PPT file].
High resolution electronic microscopy - Esther Melo, Susagna Sastre, Íngrid Sebastià, Roser Soler and Lidia Tubert [PPT file].
Circular dicroism and infra-red - Elena Echarte and Marta Mancebo [PPT file].
X-ray crystalography - Marta Costa, Guillem Galofré and Meritxell Pellicer [PPT file].
Ribosome - Jaume Bonet, Melquíades Calzado, Ana Campillo and Laura Ortet .
Spliceosome - Manuel Beltran, Javier Garcia, Gerard Ill and Xavi Jalencas .
Nucleosome - Anna Garcia-Elias, Marta Gimenez, Alba Llop and Mireya Plass.
RNA polymerase - Ana Cuadrado, Montserrat Roura, Noemí de los Santos and Marta Valiente.
RNA fold - Neus Romo, Jesús Sánchez, Anna Serra and Núria Torras.
Undergraduated students projects (2002-2003)
DNA Structure - Laura Aguilera, Cristina Carreño, Irene Oliver and Blanca Reyes.
Helix-turn-helix and transcription factors - Alexandra Ballester, Patricia Gordillo and M. del Carmen Molina.
DNA polymerases - Mathieu Lichtenstein, Martin Nolla, Neus Rafel and Vidalba Rocher.
Amynoacil-t-RNA synthase - Montserrat Ferrer, Sara Fernandez, Cristina Fuentes, Eva Lambea and David Dominguez.
Ribosome - Silvia Bea, Marta Beltran, Ana Igea, Montserrat Sole and Iris Uribesalgo.
Enzymes with NAD motifs - Anna Boix, Aitzol Illarramendi, Ricard Perez, Ferran Pons and Roser Zaurin.
Proteases - Ariadna Echenique, Iris Joval, Andrea Edo, Aina Segura and Carme Cortina.
Immunoglobulines - Daniel del Toro, Oriol Nicolás, Pedro Melgar, Alex Brenchat, Anna Ramirez and Francesc Xavier Guix.
Membrane proteins - Ana Moreno, Nuria Noe, Maria Oliver, Anna Pérez and Selma Serra.
Protein receptors - Marga Becerra, Elisenda Boix, Carla Carbo, Laura Corominas and Irene Melero.
G proteins and signal transduction - Mar Alvarez, Amarant Martinez, Jordi Martinez Quintanilla, Margarita Muiños and Pilar Roger.
Statistical potentials - Joel Cano, Francesc Castro, Jordi de Batlle and Carlos Masdeu
Modeling of subtilisin (P11018)
Undergraduated students projects (2001-2002)
Comparative homology modeling
P16850 - Gina Abello, Joan Cabellos, David Cid and Roser Corominas.
P02774 - Joana Armengol, Laura Cepas, Elena Fernàndez and Alicia Huerta.
P20901 - Eulàlia Belloc, Alba Duch and Clara Touriño.
P46393 - Montse Porta, Susana Ros, Monica Sancho and Elsa Trujillo.
P42661 - Cristina Gamell, Ariadna Laguna and Barbara Laviña.
P37408 - Laura Astier, Eulàlia Puigdecanet and Eulàlia Salichs.
O66490 - Maria Escrivà and Susana Gomis.
P19537 - Ariadna Escalona and Carme Gubern.
O67632 - Mercè Bacardit, Montse Coll, Núria Gabernet and Jon Portuondo.
O34737 - Águeda Martínez, Laura Mateu and Sheila Mora.
P58382 - Isabel Lorenzo, Dominique Monferrer and Angel Muñoz.
P37306 - Montse Cuevas, Beatriz del Val and Encarni Ibáñez.
Q9HIK0 - Patricia Gordillo, Raquel Rodríguez and Sonia Sagristà.
P10415 - Laura López, Sara Macias, Martina Nadal and Nuria Noriega.
P14940 - Verónica Escurriol, Laura García y Mònica Jordà.
P42448 - Elisabet Gregori, Jordi González and M. Jimena Vázquez.
Structural analysis programming
Fold recognition - Álex Vendrell, Ramón Roset and Gabriele Praderio.
Secondary structure and dipolar moments - Carolina Prieto, Anna Travesa and Guiomar Solanas.
Protein-DNA interaction in NFAT5 - Beatriz Morancho, Alberto Moldón, Sergio Lois and Joan Planas.