Undergraduated students projects (2023-2024)

Structure of Biomolecules and their complexes (BE08)

  1. Aquaporin
  2. CDK2
  3. EGFR
  4. G-proteins
  5. HLA
  6. IgG
  7. SARS-Cov2
  8. Transcription Factors
  9. RNA Polymerase
  10. Nucleosome
  11. Spliceosome
  12. Ubiquitin
  13. Proteasome
  14. Myosin
  15. HSP70

Undergraduated students projects (2021-2022)

Structure of Biomolecules and their complexes (BE08)

  1. IgG
  2. MHC
  3. Histone-deacetylases
  4. Transcription Factors
  5. Human Enterovirus
  6. Ubiquitin system
  7. Actin

Undergraduated students projects (2020-2021)

Structure of Biomolecules and their complexes (BE08)

  1. Serin proteases
  2. Zinc Fingers
  3. IgG
  4. MHC
  5. G-proteins
  6. Amoino Acil t-RNA synthase
  7. EGF & EGF Receptor
  8. Hepatitis Virus Capside
  9. Rhodo pseudomonas viridis

Undergraduated students projects (2018-2019)

Structure of Biomolecules and their complexes (BE08)

  1. Carboxypeptidases
  2. NAD/FAD enzymes
  3. Immunoglobulines
  4. MHC
  5. Adrenergic receptors
  6. DNA structure
  7. Virus capsides
  8. Transcription factors
  9. Nucleosomes
  10. Spliceosome
  11. ATP synthetase

Undergraduated students projects (2013-2014)

Structure of Biomolecules and their complexes (BE08)

  1. Nucleotide-Binding Enzymes
  2. IgG
  3. Carboxi-peptidases
  4. Caspases
  5. DNA-Polymerases
  6. Topoisomerases
  7. FMDV
  8. GPCRs
  9. Membrane proteins
  10. Proteosome
  11. Ubiquitination
  12. Nucleosome
  13. Spliceosome
  14. Chaperones

Undergraduated students projects (2010-2011)

Case study: TGN1412

Group A - [PPT file].

Group B - Marcel Costa García, Clara Domingo García, Alba Girbau Canet, Marta Inglés Ferrándiz, Carlos Pardo Pastor, Karen Roqueta Capilla, Marc Sitges Puy and Neus Solé Morata [PPT file].

Group C - A. Antolin, J. P. Cebrià-Costa, L. Domènech, G. Febas, M. Ferrer, J. Pallarès, I. Pazos, A. Peña, U. Rey and M. Rigau [PPT file].

Group D - [PPT file].

Group E - [PPT file].

Group F - Laura Cervera, Georgina Izaguerri, Júlia López, Enric Mestres, Anselm Morell, Joan Ribó and Rocío Saravia [PPT file].

Undergraduated students projects (2009-2010)

Case study: TGN1412

Group A - [PPT file].

Group B - M. Calvo, M. Carbonell, I. de Mena, G. Galán, L. Navas, J. Ruiz, J. Vall, E. Vicario and C. Vilella [PPT file].

Group C - [PPT file].

Group D - R. Balada, M. Bañó, A. Batet, M. Bombardó, A. Bruch, J. Curto, M. Federico, A. Ferrer, F. Obispo, G. Ricart and S. Sayols [PPT file].

Group E - H. Arumí, M. Ballestero, C. Borralleras, M. Codina, A. Domènech, N. Español, M. Guixé, M. Joyera, M. Moscoso and M. Suárez [PPT file].

Undergraduated students projects (2008-2009)

Case study: TGN1412

Group A - [PPT file].

Group B - [PPT file].

Group C - L. Abelló, M. Alemany, L. Angelats, E. Armenteros, A. Ayneto, R. Balcells, M. Pino, V. Rodríguez, A. Sala and M. Solozábal [PPT file].

Group D - Patricia Arreba, Marta Delgado, Oriol Dols, Alexandra Domingo, Ana González, Erika López, Raquel Muñoz, Enric Navas, Estel Ramos and Pau Sánchez [PPT file].

Group E - A. Carrasco, M. Colom, E. Cornes, G. Frigola, F. Madriles, A. Martínez, M. Orta, E. Palomer, C. Ruiz and A. Villacampa [PPT file].

Group F - [PPT file].

Undergraduated students projects (2007-2008)

Case study: TGN1412

Group A - Anna Àlvarez, Marc Batlló, Olalla Bueno, Anna Burgués, Amado Carreras, Mercè Guzmán, Alba Millanes and Joan Romaní [PPT file].

Group B - Joan Arús San Segundo, Gladys Barrera Castillo, Mònica Bosch Morató, Anabel Fernández Mariño, Laura Gámez Santín, Marina Marcet Ortega, Laura Rabinad Lizano and Heleia Roca Ho [PPT file].

Group C - Raquel Fernández, Anna Godo, Joaquín Liso, Alba López, Guillem Malet, Natalia Osorio, Laia Richart, Helena Silva and Laia Vives [PPT file].

Group D - D. Bergerat, A. Delgado, M. Fernandez, M. Moreno, V. Rico, S. Ruiz, M. Sió, I. Subirana, E. Tirado and X. Villalobos [PPT file].

Group E - Clara Conill, Estel Enreig, Albert Gil, Carlos González, Jordina Guillén, Núria Martínez, Mònica Mercadé, Mireia Sans and Meritxell Vinyoles [PPT file].

Group F - E. Aparicio, A. Esteve, N. Fandos, V. Gómez, N. Lahuerta, A. Llopis, A. Moros, M. Rocasalbas, P. Rovira, A. Ruiz and I. Titos [PPT file].

Undergraduated students projects (2006-2007)

Actin and myosin - Maria de Acha, Arnau Busquets and Alexandra Domingo [PPT file].

Nucleosome architecture - L. Llorens, N. Pérez, L. Planas, L. Pibernat and A. Vega [PPT file].

Viral capsides - Maria Bernabeu, Patricia Carulla, Mireia Chamizo, Meritxell Estrada and Alba Macip [PDF file].

CDK-cyclin complex - A. Macià, P. Margalef, O. Morales and S. Najas [PPT file].

DNA polymerases - C. del Barrio, L. Embún, B. García, G. Miró, R. Pinacho and D. S. Rivera [PPT file].

G proteins - D. Arias, A. Nadal, L. Selva, A. Sesé and A. Vidal [PPT file].

Proteosome - Cristina Gómez, Manuel Gómez, Anna González and Sonia Laguna [PDF file].

Serin proteases - Alba Bach Faig, Luis Benjumea de Paz, Anna Caballé Ibáñez, Marta Carboneras Girgas and Laura Cutando Ruiz [PPT file].

Ribosome: 50S subunit - Anna Abulí, Laia Bassaganyas, Gerard Plaza, Montserrat Puig and Núria Radó [PPT file].

Transcription factors - Maria Segura, Xavier Serra, Gemma Soldevilla and Xavier Viñals [PPT file].

Undergraduated students projects (2005-2006)

Actin and myosin - Marta Fort, Pablo Martínez, Cristina Muntaner and Diana Reyes [PPT file][video (required by PPT)].

ATP synthase complex - Dídac Batlle, Gerard Cantero, Francesc Galban and Lluís Millán [PPT file].

Exosome - Esther Collado, María de las Heras, Oihana Iriondo and Amaia Múgica [PPT file].

Ferredoxin - Helena Abarca, Miriam Ejarque, Ester García and Anna Lluís [PPT file].

Flavodoxin-like domain - Lorena Gómez, Carolina Nuñez, Lourdes Sánchez Cid and Carole Bernard [PPT file].

Microtubules (nexin, dinein, kinein...) - Libe-Ane Amorrortu, Miriam Baeta, Mariona Casals, Rosa Suades and Mª Teresa Rodríguez [PPT file].

Notch (ternary complex with CBS) - Beatriz Antolín, Alba Diz, Laia Morató and Anna Morancho [PPT file].

PDZ domains - Irene Mademon, Clara Panosa, Clara Serra, Eva Torner and Irene Valenzuela [PPT file].

Peroxidases (monoaminooxidase, citochrome oxidase, catalase and glutation oxidase) - Núria Badia, Clara Ballesté, Susanna Camós and Núria Conde [PPT file].

RAD51 assembly - Pau Creixell, Jesús Pujol, Eva Ramos and Ester de Trinchería [PPT file].

SH2 and SH3 domains - Alba González, Xavi Fernández, Alba Jené and Macarena Toll [PPT file].

Virus capsides - Marta Garcia, Miriam Martí, Helena Rios and Bea Souto [PPT file].

WW domains - Laura Guerrero, Ainhoa Plaza, Nira Suárez and Rosa Turbau [PPT file].

Undergraduated students projects (2004-2005)

Ab initio fold prediction - Guillem Bruguera, Alícia Moya and Esther Peña [PDF file].

Carboxipeptidases and inhibitors - Empar Crespo, Sílvia Fernàdez, Fernando Marqués, Núria Murtra and Eva Pla [PDF file].

Coagulation factors - Laia Fernández, Ana Galván, Montse Grau and Luz Martínez [PDF file].

Growth factors - Adrián Alcalá San Martín, Alba Dalmases Massegú, Jetzabel García Parra, Alex Gómez Garrido, Enric Gutiérrez Martínez and Alba Vidal Torres [PDF file].

Transcription factors - Pol Padrell, Paula Serna, Tània Vidal and Beñat Zubelzu [PDF file].

Gluconases and glucohidrolases - Carla Rioja, Cristina Sanabra, Raquel Solergastó and Rebecca Vicente [PDF file].

Lipases - Mireia Berdiel, Mireia Esteve, Núria Gresa, Maria del Mar Mallo and Núria Ramos [PDF file].

MAPKs (mitogen activated protein kinases) - Anna Arnal, Nicolás Herranz, Eva Mercé, Emma Puighermanal and Sergi Regot [PDF file].

NFAT proteins - Maria Castanyer Sardà, Oriol Fornés Crespo, Marta Lloret Llinares, Urko Martínez Marigorta and Ixabel Mendizabal Ezeizabarrena [PDF file].

The proteasome - Teresa Botta Orfila, Laura Rodón Ahnert, Laia Rosich Moya and Rosa M. Surià Albà [PDF file].

Telomers and telomerase - Jesús Bertran, Raquel Clivillé, Marta Massanella, Ingrid Pallàs and Miriam Sánchez [PDF file].

Ubiquitination system - Cristina Romera, Marta Sallés, Marina Selga and Sergio Trillo [PDF file].

Undergraduated students projects (2003-2004)

Transcription factors - Marta Arcabell, Dora Cano, Blanca Puchau and Verónica Rodilla.

Chaperones - Anaís Estrada, Edurne Gallastegui, Mercè Garí, Marta Guerra and Jordi Milà.

Rhodopsin - Laia Font, Mireia Gimeno, Maria Larroy, Paola Paoletti and Laura Vicente [PDF file][PPT file].

Cyclin-dependent kinases - Yolanda Acosta, Naiara Aquizu, Elisabeth Castellanos, Ana Corrionero and Maria Ruiz.

Nuclear magnetic resonance - Míriam Onrubia, Laura Plaza and Patricia Resa [PPT file].

High resolution electronic microscopy - Esther Melo, Susagna Sastre, Íngrid Sebastià, Roser Soler and Lidia Tubert [PPT file].

Circular dicroism and infra-red - Elena Echarte and Marta Mancebo [PPT file].

X-ray crystalography - Marta Costa, Guillem Galofré and Meritxell Pellicer [PPT file].

Ribosome - Jaume Bonet, Melquíades Calzado, Ana Campillo and Laura Ortet .

Spliceosome - Manuel Beltran, Javier Garcia, Gerard Ill and Xavi Jalencas .

Nucleosome - Anna Garcia-Elias, Marta Gimenez, Alba Llop and Mireya Plass.

RNA polymerase - Ana Cuadrado, Montserrat Roura, Noemí de los Santos and Marta Valiente.

RNA fold - Neus Romo, Jesús Sánchez, Anna Serra and Núria Torras.

Undergraduated students projects (2002-2003)

DNA Structure - Laura Aguilera, Cristina Carreño, Irene Oliver and Blanca Reyes.

Helix-turn-helix and transcription factors - Alexandra Ballester, Patricia Gordillo and M. del Carmen Molina.

DNA polymerases - Mathieu Lichtenstein, Martin Nolla, Neus Rafel and Vidalba Rocher.

Amynoacil-t-RNA synthase - Montserrat Ferrer, Sara Fernandez, Cristina Fuentes, Eva Lambea and David Dominguez.

Ribosome - Silvia Bea, Marta Beltran, Ana Igea, Montserrat Sole and Iris Uribesalgo.

Enzymes with NAD motifs - Anna Boix, Aitzol Illarramendi, Ricard Perez, Ferran Pons and Roser Zaurin.

Proteases - Ariadna Echenique, Iris Joval, Andrea Edo, Aina Segura and Carme Cortina.

Immunoglobulines - Daniel del Toro, Oriol Nicolás, Pedro Melgar, Alex Brenchat, Anna Ramirez and Francesc Xavier Guix.

Membrane proteins - Ana Moreno, Nuria Noe, Maria Oliver, Anna Pérez and Selma Serra.

Protein receptors - Marga Becerra, Elisenda Boix, Carla Carbo, Laura Corominas and Irene Melero.

G proteins and signal transduction - Mar Alvarez, Amarant Martinez, Jordi Martinez Quintanilla, Margarita Muiños and Pilar Roger.

Statistical potentials - Joel Cano, Francesc Castro, Jordi de Batlle and Carlos Masdeu


Modeling of subtilisin (P11018)

Roser Zaurin

Ana Ramírez

Carlos Masdeu

Francesc Castro

Pedro Melgar

Carme Cortina

Montserrat Solé

Iris Uribesalgo

Eva Lambea

Ana María Moreno

Carme Molina

Undergraduated students projects (2001-2002)

Comparative homology modeling

P16850 - Gina Abello, Joan Cabellos, David Cid and Roser Corominas.

P02774 - Joana Armengol, Laura Cepas, Elena Fernàndez and Alicia Huerta.

P20901 - Eulàlia Belloc, Alba Duch and Clara Touriño.

P46393 - Montse Porta, Susana Ros, Monica Sancho and Elsa Trujillo.

P42661 - Cristina Gamell, Ariadna Laguna and Barbara Laviña.

P37408 - Laura Astier, Eulàlia Puigdecanet and Eulàlia Salichs.

O66490 - Maria Escrivà and Susana Gomis.

P19537 - Ariadna Escalona and Carme Gubern.

O67632 - Mercè Bacardit, Montse Coll, Núria Gabernet and Jon Portuondo.

O34737 - Águeda Martínez, Laura Mateu and Sheila Mora.

P58382 - Isabel Lorenzo, Dominique Monferrer and Angel Muñoz.

P37306 - Montse Cuevas, Beatriz del Val and Encarni Ibáñez.

Q9HIK0 - Patricia Gordillo, Raquel Rodríguez and Sonia Sagristà.

P10415 - Laura López, Sara Macias, Martina Nadal and Nuria Noriega.

P14940 - Verónica Escurriol, Laura García y Mònica Jordà.

P42448 - Elisabet Gregori, Jordi González and M. Jimena Vázquez.


Structural analysis programming

Fold recognition - Álex Vendrell, Ramón Roset and Gabriele Praderio.

Secondary structure and dipolar moments - Carolina Prieto, Anna Travesa and Guiomar Solanas.

Protein-DNA interaction in NFAT5 - Beatriz Morancho, Alberto Moldón, Sergio Lois and Joan Planas.

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